Lingvanex Tranalator

Lingvanex Translator

Translate: Text, Speech, Camera

Follow these steps to complete your Lingvanex installation:

  • 1

    Run the Lingvanex installer

    Save the Lingvanex file

    Open the Lingvanex file to install

    Click the downloaded file on the bottom-left corner of your browser.

    Click Save File when prompted. Go to Downloads on the top-right corner to open the setup file.

    Choose Save File when prompted, then click OK.

    Go to Downloads on the top-right corner and click on the downloaded file.

    Go to your Downloads folder and click on the downloaded file.

  • 2

    Confirm the installation

    Open the Lingvanex file to install

    Click Allow on the system dialog window to approve the start of your Lingvanex installation.

    Go to Downloads on the top-right corner to open the setup file and approve the installation.

    Click Yes on the system dialog window to approve the start of your Lingvanex installation.

  • 3

    Follow setup instructions

    Click the button in the installer window to begin installation.

Click this file to start installing Lingvanex
Click this file to start installing Lingvanex

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