Lingvanex Tranalator

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Translate from Basque to English

Use the Lingvanex translation app for free translation from Basque to English.

We apply machine translation technology and artificial intelligence in our free English-Basque translator.

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Popular Basque-English phrases for Starting Conversation

This list provides some basic Basque phrases to get you started. Keep in mind that translation and usage of these phrases can be influenced by context and cultural nuances.

  • Kaixo – Hello
  • Egun on – Good morning
  • Arratsalde on – Good evening
  • Ondo nago – I'm fine
  • Eskerrik asko – Thank you
  • Barkatu – Sorry
  • Ulertzen dut – I understand
  • Ez dut ulertzen – I don’t understand
  • Bai – Yes
  • Ez – No
  • Lagundu al didazu? – Can you help me?
  • Non dago komuna? – Where is the restroom?
  • Zenbat da hau? – How much is this?
  • Zein ordutan dago? – What time is it?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Lingvanex translation accurate?

Rest assured, we are committed to providing you with reliable and accurate translations to meet your language needs. We use artificial intelligence and latest scientific research to deliver best-in-class translation quality.

How long does it take to translate a large text?

The translation takes only a few seconds, regardless of the size of the text. We understand the value of time and strive to provide a seamless translation experience with minimal waiting periods.

How many characters can be translated?

The free version of the Lingvanex translator allows you to translate up to 3000 characters per request and make up to 1000 translation requests per day.

Do you offer subscription plans?

Yes, we offer subscription plans for our Lingvanex translation apps. To get more information visit our All Products page ( Additionally, you can test the quality of our products with a free 2-week trial. Fill out the Contact us form on the main page, and we'll assist you in choosing the best solution.

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