Lingvanex Tranalator

Lingvanex Translator

Translate: Text, Speech, Camera

Follow these steps to complete your Lingvanex installation:

  • 1

    Run the Lingvanex installer

    Save the Lingvanex file

    Open the Lingvanex file to install

    Click the downloaded file on the bottom-left corner of your browser.

    Click Save File when prompted. Go to Downloads on the top-right corner to open the setup file.

    Choose Save File when prompted, then click OK.

    Go to Downloads on the top-right corner and click on the downloaded file.

    Go to your Downloads folder and click on the downloaded file.

  • 2

    Confirm the installation

    Open the Lingvanex file to install

    Click Allow on the system dialog window to approve the start of your Lingvanex installation.

    Go to Downloads on the top-right corner to open the setup file and approve the installation.

    Click Yes on the system dialog window to approve the start of your Lingvanex installation.

  • 3

    Follow setup instructions

    Click the button in the installer window to begin installation.

Click this file to start installing Lingvanex
Click this file to start installing Lingvanex

Phone Call Translator

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Mult mai ieftin decât apelurile în roaming. Un apel costă de la 0,18 $ pe minut.


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Nu uitați de documente, asigurări și … un Traducător de Apeluri Telefonice de la Lingvanex

Limbi și Regiuni

Apelurile din aplicație sunt disponibile în toate țările lumii, iar traducerea se realizează în 36 de limbi

Apel Telefonic Traducător Pagina