Lingvanex Tranalator

Translator for

On-premise Speech Recognition Software

Transcribing audio, video and speech in real time with perfect punctuation

  • indeed
  • rwe
  • opera
  • capita
  • brave
  • vivaldi
  • reverso

Unlimited Transcription for a Fixed Price

90+ languages

90+ languages

All language models receive regular updates. We inform you of them via email.

Punctuation marks

Punctuation marks

Translate billions of characters a day without any limitations

Real time transcription

Real time transcription

Software for enterprises starts at €200 per month. Price stays fixed, regardless of the volumes

Real time transcription

Here is how it works:

Total Privacy Protection

Transcribe without Internet connection

Transcribe without Internet connection

You can process documents offline, without sending data outside of your company’s infrastructure

Transcribe without Internet connection

Unlimited volumes & users

Enjoy low latency and unlimited number of requests that can be sent out

Fixed price

Fixed price

All the employees within the infrastructure can use translation at the same time

Fixed price

Add On-Premise Machine Translation Software to Get:

Translation into 100+ languages

Translation into 100+ languages

All language models receive regular updates. We inform you of them via email

Ultra-fast translation speed

Ultra-fast translation speed

The Lingvanex MT Engine is scalable and can be configured to support a varying number of languages

Unlimited number of users

Unlimited number of users

All the employees within the infrastructure can use translation at the same time

Unlimited number of users

Tailored Services for your Success

Easy integration

Easy integration

Our team will assist with you throughout the entire deployment process

Regular updates

Regular updates

We are continually improving the quality of our services and send updated information directly to our clients every month

Free support

Free support

Lingvanex support team is always ready to help you have the best experience using our software

Supported Languages

91 languages available

Supported Languages

Frequently Asked Questions

What file types can the Lingvanex Speech Recognition Software process?

Our on-premise speech recognition software can process a wide range of file types including WAV, WMA, MP3, OGG, M4A, FLV, AVI, MP4, MOV, and MKV, accommodating various media formats for your convenience.

Is there a size limit for audio files the software can transcribe?

No, our SR software can transcribe audio files of any size. Standard limits can be adjusted with a private setup for maximum flexibility.

What unique features does the Lingvanex SR Software offer?

The software boasts features like punctuation in transcripts, timestamped subtitles, no limits on transcription volumes, support for 91 languages, a fixed price model, and guaranteed data security.

How can I test the quality of the speech recognition software?

We offer a free trial that lets you explore all the features firsthand. Reach out for more information to our sales team at [email protected] and get started with your trial today.

Request a free trial

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