Lingvanex översättningskvalitetsrapport

Målet med denna rapport är att visa upp översättningskvaliteten för Lingvanex språkmodeller enligt två mest populära utvärderingsmått för maskinöversättning.

Flores är en öppen källkod och allmänt tillgänglig datatestuppsättning som släpptes av Facebook Research och har den största täckningen av språkpar.

Beskrivning av kvalitetsmått


BLEU är ett automatiskt mått baserat på n-gram. Den mäter precisionen för n-gram av den maskinella översättningen jämfört med referensen, viktad med en korthetsstraff för att straffa alltför korta översättningar. Vi använder en speciell implementering av BLEU, kallad sacreBLEU. Den matar ut korpuspoäng, inte segmentpoäng.


  • Papineni, Kishore, S. Roukos, T. Ward and Wei-Jing Zhu. “Bleu: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.” ACL (2002).
  • Post, Matt. “A Call for Clarity in Reporting BLEU Scores.” WMT (2018).


COMET (Crosslingual Optimized Metric for Evaluation of Translation) är ett mått för automatisk utvärdering av maskinöversättning som beräknar likheten mellan en maskinöversättningsutdata och en referensöversättning med hjälp av token- eller meningsinbäddningar. Till skillnad från andra mätvärden är COMET utbildad i att förutsäga olika typer av mänskliga bedömningar i form av efterredigeringsinsatser, direkt bedömning eller analys av översättningsfel.



Obs: Den lägre storleken på modellerna på hårddisken innebär lägre förbrukning av GPU-minne vilket leder till minskade driftsättningskostnader. Lägre modellstorlek ger bättre prestanda i översättningstid. Den ungefärliga användningen av GPU-minne beräknas som hårddiskmodellstorlek x 1,2

Storlek, mb
Afrikaans - English113,91Flores52,3386,43
English - Afrikaans113,91Flores42,5286,92
Albanian - English113,91Lingvanex56,4387,83
English - Albanian113,91Lingvanex57,0489,03
Amharic - English113,91Flores30,4283,78
English - Amharic113,91Flores14,1387,4
Arabic - English184,11Flores45,7987,95
English - Arabic190,63Flores33,4588,28
Armenian - English113,91Flores37,4786,93
English - Armenian113,91Flores22,0989,32
Armenian - Russian190,63Flores20,9785,06
Russian - Armenian190,63Flores15,7187,00
Azerbaijani - English113,91Flores23,7685,88
English - Azerbaijani113,91Flores17,7984,93
Azerbaijani - Russian190,63Flores16,9585,23
Russian - Azerbaijani190,63Flores13,1083,64
Basque - English113,91Flores32,3486,40
English - Basque113,91Flores21,6986,99
Belarusian - English113,91Flores19,7780,89
English - Belarusian113,91Flores15,5485,16
Bengali - English113,91Flores33,9387,86
English - Bengali239,56Flores23,4186,92
Bosnian - English113,91Flores41,6287,65
English - Bosnian113,91Flores35,5790,61
Bulgarian - English184,00Flores44,9788,28
English - Bulgarian184,00Flores45,9091,22
Catalan - English113,91Flores47,5488,55
English - Catalan113,91Flores45,6287,67
Cebuano - English113,91Flores41,1779,24
English - Cebuano113,91Flores35,4671,80
Chichewa - English113,91Flores22,8669,22
English - Chichewa113,91Flores17,4464,71
Chinese (Simplified) - English184,11Flores29,9186,27
English - Chinese (Simplified)184,11Flores42,2987,70
Chinese (Traditional) - English190,63Flores30,2886,51
English - Chinese (Traditional)190,63Flores36,0688,67
Corsican - English113,91Lingvanex59,9083,86
English - Corsican113,91Lingvanex54,2176,34
Croatian - English184,00Flores 10139,8088,08
English - Croatian184,00Flores34,9591,09
Czech - English184,00Flores41,8388,33
English - Czech184,00Flores36,5390,98
Danish - English184,00Flores51,2190,25
English - Danish184,02Flores49,8891,27
Dutch - English184,00Flores34,0487,20
English - Dutch184,00Flores29,7188,10
Esperanto - English113,91Flores41,6087,49
English - Esperanto113,91Flores32,0288,92
Estonian - English113,91Flores41,0789,33
English - Estonian113,91Flores31,4891,64
Filipino - English113,91Flores47,4186,85
English - Filipino113,91Flores37,7584,61
Finnish - English184,00Flores36,8789,76
English - Finnish184,00Flores27,0690,96
French - English190,65Flores48,8289,46
English - French190,65Flores53,2588,40
Frisian - English113,91Lingvanex65,0684,99
English - Frisian113,91Lingvanex54,8281,09
Galician - English113,91Flores40,5887,52
English - Galician113,91Flores37,7187,03
Georgian - Russian190,63Flores18,6085,80
Russian - Georgian190,63Flores13,8585,77
Georgian - English113,91Flores22,0989,32
English - Georgian113,91Flores16,5687,13
German - English190,65Flores46,7689,34
English - German184,02Flores43,0988,15
Greek - English184,00Flores36,1987,38
English - Greek184,00Flores29,5489,02
English - Gujarati113,91Flores28,0088,61
Haitian Creole - English113,91Flores30,0872,24
English - Haitian Creole113,91Flores28,2767,41
Hausa - English113,91Flores33,6478,80
English - Hausa113,91Flores28,7080,76
Hawaiian - English113,91Lingvanex45,1271,92
English - Hawaiian113,91Lingvanex64,2778,56
Hebrew - English184,11Flores46,3188,32
English - Hebrew184,11Flores36,0088,53
Hindi - English113,91Flores38,1888,29
English - Hindi113,91Flores67,6281,99
English - Hmong113,91Lingvanex60,9977,35
Hmong - English184,00Lingvanex45,8775,22
Hungarian - English184,00Flores38,7488,37
English - Hungarian184,00Flores31,4089,97
Icelandic - English113,91Flores37,2785,92
English - Icelandic113,91Flores31,9086,34
Igbo - English113,91Flores26,6068,85
English - Igbo113,91Flores19,0171,94
Indonesian - English184,02Flores46,6589,60
English - Indonesian184,02Flores50,7791,90
Italian - English184,00Flores34,7487,89
English - Italian184,00Flores32,5788,19
Irish - English113,91Flores44,1585,29
English - Irish113,91Flores38,8681,81
Japanese - English190,63Flores31,0588,08
English - Japanese190,63Flores39,6291,56
Javanese - English113,91Flores30,2976,20
English - Javanese113,91Flores28,7986,59
Kannada - English113,91Flores36,0187,38
English - Kannada113,91Flores65,8386,33
Kazakh - English113,91Flores36,2587,61
English - Kazakh113,91Flores26,4890,35
Kazakh - Russian190,63Flores22,7988,12
Russian - Kazakh190,63Flores19,1889,57
Khmer - English113,91Flores33,1985,77
English - Khmer113,91Flores4,7782,37
Kinyarwanda - English113,91Flores32,9873,73
English - Kinyarwanda113,91Flores25,8466,67
Korean - English113,91Flores32,8588,09
English - Korean113,91Flores33,6689,67
Kurdish - English113,91Flores28,8179,90
English - Kurdish113,91Flores12,8580,84
Kyrgyz - English113,91Flores24,2984,79
English - Kyrgyz113,91Flores16,6588,14
Kyrgyz - Russian190,63Flores16,3886,32
Russian - Kyrgyz190,63Flores13,4387,62
Lao - English113,91Flores31,4584,11
English - Lao113,91Flores59,5483,24
Latin - English113,91Lingvanex24,2474,81
English - Latin113,91Lingvanex14,8377,64
Latvian - English113,91Flores38,9587,67
English - Latvian113,91Flores37,8890,49
Lithuanian - English113,91Flores34,9686,24
English - Lithuanian113,91Flores31,2890,11
Luxembourgish - English113,91Flores45,5680,29
English - Luxembourgish113,91Flores27,2857,29
Macedonian - English113,91Flores44,3387,43
English - Macedonian113,91Flores38,1989,28
Malagasy - English113,91Lingvanex38,6083,10
English - Malagasy113,91Lingvanex41,7485,25
Malay - English184,11Flores46,0988,84
English - Malay184,11Flores44,6389,77
Malayalam - English113,91Flores39,2688,28
English - Malayalam113,91Flores23,1988,92
Maltese - English113,91Flores53,1181,83
English - Maltese113,91Flores47,5779,52
Maori - English113,91Flores29,1369,87
English - Maori113,91Flores17,4461,51
Marathi - English113,91Flores37,9487,49
English - Marathi113,91Flores21,4275,73
Mongolian- English113,91Flores31,4085,43
English - Mongolian113,91Flores20,0789,00
Myanmar - English113,91Flores23,1382,43
English - Myanmar113,91Flores55,7287,25
Nepali - English113,91Flores41,6789,94
English - Nepali113,91Flores64,9283,27
Norwegian - English184,00Flores44,2088,78
English - Norwegian184,02Flores35,8590,25
Odia - English113,91Flores32,3486,77
English - Odia113,91Flores21,0981,84
Persian - English184,02Flores39,0487,71
English - Persian184,11Flores27,2487,82
Polish - English184,00Flores30,9485,72
English - Polish184,00Flores24,2489,21
Portuguese (Brazil) - English184,02Flores51,4289,66
English - Portuguese (Brazil)184,02Flores51,6789,40
Portuguese - English184,02Flores50,9389,27
English - Portuguese184,02Flores51,3889,71
Punjabi - English113,91Flores38,1587,74
English - Punjabi113,91Flores28,9184,28
Pushto - English113,91Flores27,0579,68
English - Pushto113,91Flores15,0477,94
Romanian - English184,00Flores45,2289,30
English - Romanian179,58Flores43,6890,29
Russian - English190,65Flores37,8686,63
English - Russian190,65Flores34,6489,37
Russian - Belarusian190,63Lingvanex57,3595,38
Samoan - English113,91Flores27,8168,62
English - Samoan113,91Flores30,0767,20
Serbian - English184,00Flores43,0686,68
English - Serbian184,00Flores36,8788,49
Sesotho - English113,91Flores32,9172,64
English - Sesotho113,91Flores20,3666,18
Shona - English113,91Flores23,0570,04
English - Shona113,91Flores13,7462,88
Sindhi - English113,91Flores31,0979,66
English - Sindhi113,91Flores25,9080,37
Sinhala - English113,91Flores36,7387,92
English - Sinhala113,91Flores21,4287,65
Slovak - English184,11Flores42,3288,33
English - Slovak184,11Flores40,0891,01
Slovenian - English113,91Flores38,2587,76
English - Slovenian113,91Flores35,3990,20
Somali - English113,91Flores29,8977,25
English - Somali113,91Flores14,5680,85
Spanish - English184,02Flores31,4886,92
English - Spanish184,02Flores30,1786,72
Sundanese - English113,91Flores34,0281,42
English - Sundanese113,91Flores20,2379,65
Swahili - English113,91Flores44,9584,91
English - Swahili113,91Flores41,1485,40
Swedish - English184,00Flores51,8990,13
English - Swedish184,00Flores49,3991,24
Tajik - English113,91Flores33,7477,46
English - Tajik113,91Flores24,9776,28
Tajik - Russian190,63Flores23,1579,69
Russian - Tajik190,63Flores19,3875,59
Tamil - English113,91Flores35,1786,48
English - Tamil113,91Flores23,1289,55
Tatar - English113,91Flores30,3779,43
English - Tatar113,91Flores19,0169,26
Thai - English184,02Flores31,6387,71
English - Thai113,91Flores63,6888,57
Turkish - English184,00Flores41,8589,63
English - Turkish184,00Flores35,3390,82
Turkmen - English113,91Flores37,1080,90
English - Turkmen113,91Flores22,9167,00
Ukrainian - English184,00Flores41,5486,98
English - Ukrainian184,00Flores34,3089,88
Ukrainian - Russian190,63Flores28,0791,66
Russian - Ukrainian190,63Flores25,6292,16
Urdu - English113,91Flores31,0984,46
English - Urdu113,91Flores24,8081,71
Uyghur - English113,91Flores28,1786,26
English - Uyghur113,91Flores22,6686,21
Uzbek - English113,91Flores37,4287,64
English - Uzbek113,91Flores23,0490,32
Uzbek - Russian190,63Flores22,1185,40
Russian - Uzbek190,63Flores16,8687,37
Vietnamese - English184,00Flores38,6587,53
English - Vietnamese184,11Flores46,2889,16
Welsh - English113,91Flores61,3689,32
English - Welsh113,91Flores57,5588,83
Xhosa - English113,91Flores36,6578,10
English - Xhosa113,91Flores18,9077,05
Yiddish - English113,91Flores41,8976,88
English - Yiddish113,91Flores10,8867,67
Yoruba - English113,91Flores17,5461,56
English - Yoruba113,91Flores3,5755,39
Zulu - English113,91Flores36,8378,00
English - Zulu113,91Flores21,0678,12

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