Lingvanex vertimo kokybės ataskaita
Šios ataskaitos tikslas – parodyti Lingvanex kalbų modelių vertimo kokybę pagal dvi populiariausias mašininio vertimo vertinimo metrikas.
„Flores“ yra atvirojo kodo ir viešai prieinamų duomenų testų rinkinys, kurį išleido „Facebook Research“ ir kuris turi didžiausią kalbų porų aprėptį.
Kokybės metrikos aprašymas
BLEU yra automatinė metrika, pagrįsta n gramais. Jis matuoja n-gramų automatinio vertimo išvesties tikslumą, palyginti su nuoroda, įvertinus trumpumo baudą, kad būtų nubaustas per trumpas vertimas. Mes naudojame tam tikrą BLEU įgyvendinimą, vadinamą sacreBLEU. Išveda korpuso balus, o ne segmentų balus.
- Papineni, Kishore, S. Roukos, T. Ward and Wei-Jing Zhu. “Bleu: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.” ACL (2002).
- Post, Matt. “A Call for Clarity in Reporting BLEU Scores.” WMT (2018).
COMET (angl. Crosslingual Optimized Metric for Evaluation of Translation) – tai automatinio automatinio vertimo vertinimo metrika, apskaičiuojanti mašininio vertimo išvesties ir nuorodos vertimo panašumą naudojant žetono arba sakinio įterpimą. Skirtingai nuo kitų metrikų, COMET yra išmokyta numatyti įvairių tipų žmonių sprendimus, atliekamus po redagavimo, tiesioginio įvertinimo arba vertimo klaidų analizės.
- COMET: High-quality Machine Translation Evaluation -
Kalbų poros
Pastaba: mažesnis modelių dydis standžiajame diske reiškia, kad sunaudojama mažiau GPU atminties, todėl sumažėja diegimo išlaidos. Mažesnis modelio dydis pagerina vertimo laiką. Apytikslis GPU atminties naudojimas skaičiuojamas kaip standžiojo disko modelio dydis x 1,2
Kalbų pora | Modelio Dydis, mb | Testas Duomenys | BLEU Metrika | COMET Metrika |
Afrikaans - English | 113,91 | Flores | 52,33 | 86,43 |
English - Afrikaans | 113,91 | Flores | 42,52 | 86,92 |
Albanian - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 56,43 | 87,83 |
English - Albanian | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 57,04 | 89,03 |
Amharic - English | 113,91 | Flores | 30,42 | 83,78 |
English - Amharic | 113,91 | Flores | 14,13 | 87,4 |
Arabic - English | 184,11 | Flores | 45,79 | 87,95 |
English - Arabic | 190,63 | Flores | 33,45 | 88,28 |
Armenian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,47 | 86,93 |
English - Armenian | 113,91 | Flores | 22,09 | 89,32 |
Armenian - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 20,97 | 85,06 |
Russian - Armenian | 190,63 | Flores | 15,71 | 87,00 |
Azerbaijani - English | 113,91 | Flores | 23,76 | 85,88 |
English - Azerbaijani | 113,91 | Flores | 17,79 | 84,93 |
Azerbaijani - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 16,95 | 85,23 |
Russian - Azerbaijani | 190,63 | Flores | 13,10 | 83,64 |
Basque - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,34 | 86,40 |
English - Basque | 113,91 | Flores | 21,69 | 86,99 |
Belarusian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 19,77 | 80,89 |
English - Belarusian | 113,91 | Flores | 15,54 | 85,16 |
Bengali - English | 113,91 | Flores | 33,93 | 87,86 |
English - Bengali | 239,56 | Flores | 23,41 | 86,92 |
Bosnian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,62 | 87,65 |
English - Bosnian | 113,91 | Flores | 35,57 | 90,61 |
Bulgarian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 44,97 | 88,28 |
English - Bulgarian | 184,00 | Flores | 45,90 | 91,22 |
Catalan - English | 113,91 | Flores | 47,54 | 88,55 |
English - Catalan | 113,91 | Flores | 45,62 | 87,67 |
Cebuano - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,17 | 79,24 |
English - Cebuano | 113,91 | Flores | 35,46 | 71,80 |
Chichewa - English | 113,91 | Flores | 22,86 | 69,22 |
English - Chichewa | 113,91 | Flores | 17,44 | 64,71 |
Chinese (Simplified) - English | 184,11 | Flores | 29,91 | 86,27 |
English - Chinese (Simplified) | 184,11 | Flores | 42,29 | 87,70 |
Chinese (Traditional) - English | 190,63 | Flores | 30,28 | 86,51 |
English - Chinese (Traditional) | 190,63 | Flores | 36,06 | 88,67 |
Corsican - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 59,90 | 83,86 |
English - Corsican | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 54,21 | 76,34 |
Croatian - English | 184,00 | Flores 101 | 39,80 | 88,08 |
English - Croatian | 184,00 | Flores | 34,95 | 91,09 |
Czech - English | 184,00 | Flores | 41,83 | 88,33 |
English - Czech | 184,00 | Flores | 36,53 | 90,98 |
Danish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 51,21 | 90,25 |
English - Danish | 184,02 | Flores | 49,88 | 91,27 |
Dutch - English | 184,00 | Flores | 34,04 | 87,20 |
English - Dutch | 184,00 | Flores | 29,71 | 88,10 |
Esperanto - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,60 | 87,49 |
English - Esperanto | 113,91 | Flores | 32,02 | 88,92 |
Estonian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,07 | 89,33 |
English - Estonian | 113,91 | Flores | 31,48 | 91,64 |
Filipino - English | 113,91 | Flores | 47,41 | 86,85 |
English - Filipino | 113,91 | Flores | 37,75 | 84,61 |
Finnish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 36,87 | 89,76 |
English - Finnish | 184,00 | Flores | 27,06 | 90,96 |
French - English | 190,65 | Flores | 48,82 | 89,46 |
English - French | 190,65 | Flores | 53,25 | 88,40 |
Frisian - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 65,06 | 84,99 |
English - Frisian | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 54,82 | 81,09 |
Gaelic-English | 113,91 | Flores | 29,60 | 76,02 |
English-Gaelic | 113,91 | Flores | 24,72 | 80,92 |
Galician - English | 113,91 | Flores | 40,58 | 87,52 |
English - Galician | 113,91 | Flores | 37,71 | 87,03 |
Georgian - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 18,60 | 85,80 |
Russian - Georgian | 190,63 | Flores | 13,85 | 85,77 |
Georgian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 22,09 | 89,32 |
English - Georgian | 113,91 | Flores | 16,56 | 87,13 |
German - English | 190,65 | Flores | 46,76 | 89,34 |
English - German | 184,02 | Flores | 43,09 | 88,15 |
Greek - English | 184,00 | Flores | 36,19 | 87,38 |
English - Greek | 184,00 | Flores | 29,54 | 89,02 |
Gujarati-English | 113,91 | Flores | 142,09 | 89,68 |
English - Gujarati | 113,91 | Flores | 28,00 | 88,61 |
Haitian Creole - English | 113,91 | Flores | 30,08 | 72,24 |
English - Haitian Creole | 113,91 | Flores | 28,27 | 67,41 |
Hausa - English | 113,91 | Flores | 33,64 | 78,80 |
English - Hausa | 113,91 | Flores | 28,70 | 80,76 |
Hawaiian - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 45,12 | 71,92 |
English - Hawaiian | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 64,27 | 78,56 |
Hebrew - English | 184,11 | Flores | 46,31 | 88,32 |
English - Hebrew | 184,11 | Flores | 36,00 | 88,53 |
Hindi - English | 113,91 | Flores | 38,18 | 88,29 |
English - Hindi | 113,91 | Flores | 67,62 | 81,99 |
English - Hmong | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 60,99 | 77,35 |
Hmong - English | 184,00 | Lingvanex | 45,87 | 75,22 |
Hungarian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 38,74 | 88,37 |
English - Hungarian | 184,00 | Flores | 31,40 | 89,97 |
Icelandic - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,27 | 85,92 |
English - Icelandic | 113,91 | Flores | 31,90 | 86,34 |
Igbo - English | 113,91 | Flores | 26,60 | 68,85 |
English - Igbo | 113,91 | Flores | 19,01 | 71,94 |
Indonesian - English | 184,02 | Flores | 46,65 | 89,60 |
English - Indonesian | 184,02 | Flores | 50,77 | 91,90 |
Italian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 34,74 | 87,89 |
English - Italian | 184,00 | Flores | 32,57 | 88,19 |
Irish - English | 113,91 | Flores | 44,15 | 85,29 |
English - Irish | 113,91 | Flores | 38,86 | 81,81 |
Japanese - English | 190,63 | Flores | 31,05 | 88,08 |
English - Japanese | 190,63 | Flores | 39,62 | 91,56 |
Javanese - English | 113,91 | Flores | 30,29 | 76,20 |
English - Javanese | 113,91 | Flores | 28,79 | 86,59 |
Kannada - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,01 | 87,38 |
English - Kannada | 113,91 | Flores | 65,83 | 86,33 |
Kazakh - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,25 | 87,61 |
English - Kazakh | 113,91 | Flores | 26,48 | 90,35 |
Kazakh - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 22,79 | 88,12 |
Russian - Kazakh | 190,63 | Flores | 19,18 | 89,57 |
Khmer - English | 113,91 | Flores | 33,19 | 85,77 |
English - Khmer | 113,91 | Flores | 4,77 | 82,37 |
Kinyarwanda - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,98 | 73,73 |
English - Kinyarwanda | 113,91 | Flores | 25,84 | 66,67 |
Korean - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,85 | 88,09 |
English - Korean | 113,91 | Flores | 33,66 | 89,67 |
Kurdish - English | 113,91 | Flores | 28,81 | 79,90 |
English - Kurdish | 113,91 | Flores | 12,85 | 80,84 |
Kyrgyz - English | 113,91 | Flores | 24,29 | 84,79 |
English - Kyrgyz | 113,91 | Flores | 16,65 | 88,14 |
Kyrgyz - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 16,38 | 86,32 |
Russian - Kyrgyz | 190,63 | Flores | 13,43 | 87,62 |
Lao - English | 113,91 | Flores | 31,45 | 84,11 |
English - Lao | 113,91 | Flores | 59,54 | 83,24 |
Latin - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 24,24 | 74,81 |
English - Latin | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 14,83 | 77,64 |
Latvian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 38,95 | 87,67 |
English - Latvian | 113,91 | Flores | 37,88 | 90,49 |
Lithuanian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 34,96 | 86,24 |
English - Lithuanian | 113,91 | Flores | 31,28 | 90,11 |
Luxembourgish - English | 113,91 | Flores | 45,56 | 80,29 |
English - Luxembourgish | 113,91 | Flores | 27,28 | 57,29 |
Macedonian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 44,33 | 87,43 |
English - Macedonian | 113,91 | Flores | 38,19 | 89,28 |
Malagasy - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 38,60 | 83,10 |
English - Malagasy | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 41,74 | 85,25 |
Malay - English | 184,11 | Flores | 46,09 | 88,84 |
English - Malay | 184,11 | Flores | 44,63 | 89,77 |
Malayalam - English | 113,91 | Flores | 39,26 | 88,28 |
English - Malayalam | 113,91 | Flores | 23,19 | 88,92 |
Maltese - English | 113,91 | Flores | 53,11 | 81,83 |
English - Maltese | 113,91 | Flores | 47,57 | 79,52 |
Maori - English | 113,91 | Flores | 29,13 | 69,87 |
English - Maori | 113,91 | Flores | 17,44 | 61,51 |
Marathi - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,94 | 87,49 |
English - Marathi | 113,91 | Flores | 21,42 | 75,73 |
Mongolian- English | 113,91 | Flores | 31,40 | 85,43 |
English - Mongolian | 113,91 | Flores | 20,07 | 89,00 |
Myanmar - English | 113,91 | Flores | 23,13 | 82,43 |
English - Myanmar | 113,91 | Flores | 55,72 | 87,25 |
Nepali - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,67 | 89,94 |
English - Nepali | 113,91 | Flores | 64,92 | 83,27 |
Norwegian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 44,20 | 88,78 |
English - Norwegian | 184,02 | Flores | 35,85 | 90,25 |
Odia - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,34 | 86,77 |
English - Odia | 113,91 | Flores | 21,09 | 81,84 |
Persian - English | 184,02 | Flores | 39,04 | 87,71 |
English - Persian | 184,11 | Flores | 27,24 | 87,82 |
Polish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 30,94 | 85,72 |
English - Polish | 184,00 | Flores | 24,24 | 89,21 |
Portuguese (Brazil) - English | 184,02 | Flores | 51,42 | 89,66 |
English - Portuguese (Brazil) | 184,02 | Flores | 51,67 | 89,40 |
Portuguese - English | 184,02 | Flores | 50,93 | 89,27 |
English - Portuguese | 184,02 | Flores | 51,38 | 89,71 |
Punjabi - English | 113,91 | Flores | 38,15 | 87,74 |
English - Punjabi | 113,91 | Flores | 28,91 | 84,28 |
Pushto - English | 113,91 | Flores | 27,05 | 79,68 |
English - Pushto | 113,91 | Flores | 15,04 | 77,94 |
Romanian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 45,22 | 89,30 |
English - Romanian | 179,58 | Flores | 43,68 | 90,29 |
Russian - English | 190,65 | Flores | 37,86 | 86,63 |
English - Russian | 190,65 | Flores | 34,64 | 89,37 |
Russian - Belarusian | 190,63 | Lingvanex | 57,35 | 95,38 |
Samoan - English | 113,91 | Flores | 27,81 | 68,62 |
English - Samoan | 113,91 | Flores | 30,07 | 67,20 |
Serbian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 43,06 | 86,68 |
English - Serbian | 184,00 | Flores | 36,87 | 88,49 |
Sesotho - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,91 | 72,64 |
English - Sesotho | 113,91 | Flores | 20,36 | 66,18 |
Shona - English | 113,91 | Flores | 23,05 | 70,04 |
English - Shona | 113,91 | Flores | 13,74 | 62,88 |
Sindhi - English | 113,91 | Flores | 31,09 | 79,66 |
English - Sindhi | 113,91 | Flores | 25,90 | 80,37 |
Sinhala - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,73 | 87,92 |
English - Sinhala | 113,91 | Flores | 21,42 | 87,65 |
Slovak - English | 184,11 | Flores | 42,32 | 88,33 |
English - Slovak | 184,11 | Flores | 40,08 | 91,01 |
Slovenian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 38,25 | 87,76 |
English - Slovenian | 113,91 | Flores | 35,39 | 90,20 |
Somali - English | 113,91 | Flores | 29,89 | 77,25 |
English - Somali | 113,91 | Flores | 14,56 | 80,85 |
Spanish - English | 184,02 | Flores | 31,48 | 86,92 |
English - Spanish | 184,02 | Flores | 30,17 | 86,72 |
Sundanese - English | 113,91 | Flores | 34,02 | 81,42 |
English - Sundanese | 113,91 | Flores | 20,23 | 79,65 |
Swahili - English | 113,91 | Flores | 44,95 | 84,91 |
English - Swahili | 113,91 | Flores | 41,14 | 85,40 |
Swedish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 51,89 | 90,13 |
English - Swedish | 184,00 | Flores | 49,39 | 91,24 |
Tajik - English | 113,91 | Flores | 33,74 | 77,46 |
English - Tajik | 113,91 | Flores | 24,97 | 76,28 |
Tajik - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 23,15 | 79,69 |
Russian - Tajik | 190,63 | Flores | 19,38 | 75,59 |
Tamil - English | 113,91 | Flores | 35,17 | 86,48 |
English - Tamil | 113,91 | Flores | 23,12 | 89,55 |
Tatar - English | 113,91 | Flores | 30,37 | 79,43 |
English - Tatar | 113,91 | Flores | 19,01 | 69,26 |
Telugu-English | 113,91 | Flores | 42,02 | 87,74 |
English-Telugu | 113,91 | Flores | 28,30 | 87,60 |
Thai - English | 184,02 | Flores | 31,63 | 87,71 |
English - Thai | 113,91 | Flores | 63,68 | 88,57 |
Turkish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 41,85 | 89,63 |
English - Turkish | 184,00 | Flores | 35,33 | 90,82 |
Turkmen - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,10 | 80,90 |
English - Turkmen | 113,91 | Flores | 22,91 | 67,00 |
Ukrainian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 41,54 | 86,98 |
English - Ukrainian | 184,00 | Flores | 34,30 | 89,88 |
Ukrainian - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 28,07 | 91,66 |
Russian - Ukrainian | 190,63 | Flores | 25,62 | 92,16 |
Urdu - English | 113,91 | Flores | 31,09 | 84,46 |
English - Urdu | 113,91 | Flores | 24,80 | 81,71 |
Uyghur - English | 113,91 | Flores | 28,17 | 86,26 |
English - Uyghur | 113,91 | Flores | 22,66 | 86,21 |
Uzbek - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,42 | 87,64 |
English - Uzbek | 113,91 | Flores | 23,04 | 90,32 |
Uzbek - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 22,11 | 85,40 |
Russian - Uzbek | 190,63 | Flores | 16,86 | 87,37 |
Vietnamese - English | 184,00 | Flores | 38,65 | 87,53 |
English - Vietnamese | 184,11 | Flores | 46,28 | 89,16 |
Welsh - English | 113,91 | Flores | 61,36 | 89,32 |
English - Welsh | 113,91 | Flores | 57,55 | 88,83 |
Xhosa - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,65 | 78,10 |
English - Xhosa | 113,91 | Flores | 18,90 | 77,05 |
Yiddish - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,89 | 76,88 |
English - Yiddish | 113,91 | Flores | 10,88 | 67,67 |
Yoruba - English | 113,91 | Flores | 17,54 | 61,56 |
English - Yoruba | 113,91 | Flores | 3,57 | 55,39 |
Zulu - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,83 | 78,00 |
English - Zulu | 113,91 | Flores | 21,06 | 78,12 |
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