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플로레스는 Facebook Research에서 공개한 오픈 소스이자 공개적으로 사용 가능한 데이터 테스트 세트로, 가장 광범위한 언어 쌍 커버리지를 제공합니다.

품질 측정 항목 설명


BLEU는 n-gram을 기반으로 하는 자동 메트릭입니다. 기계 번역 출력의 n-gram의 정확도를 참조와 비교하여 측정하며, 너무 짧은 번역을 처벌하기 위해 간결성 페널티를 가중합니다. sacreBLEU라고 하는 BLEU의 특정 구현을 사용합니다. 세그먼트 점수가 아닌 코퍼스 점수를 출력합니다.


  • Papineni, Kishore, S. Roukos, T. Ward and Wei-Jing Zhu. “Bleu: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.” ACL (2002).
  • Post, Matt. “A Call for Clarity in Reporting BLEU Scores.” WMT (2018).


COMET(Crosslingual Optimized Metric for Evaluation of Translation)은 토큰 또는 문장 임베딩을 사용하여 기계 번역 출력과 참조 번역 간의 유사성을 계산하는 기계 번역의 자동 평가를 위한 메트릭입니다. 다른 메트릭과 달리 COMET은 사후 편집 노력, 직접 평가 또는 번역 오류 분석의 형태로 다양한 유형의 인간 판단을 예측하도록 훈련됩니다.


언어 쌍

참고: 하드 드라이브의 모델 크기가 작을수록 GPU 메모리 소모가 적어 배포 비용이 감소합니다. 모델 크기가 작을수록 변환 시간 성능이 더 좋습니다. GPU 메모리의 대략적인 사용량은 하드 드라이브 모델 크기 x 1.2로 계산됩니다.

언어 쌍모델의
크기, mb
Afrikaans - English113,91Flores52,3386,43
English - Afrikaans113,91Flores42,5286,92
Albanian - English113,91Lingvanex56,4387,83
English - Albanian113,91Lingvanex57,0489,03
Amharic - English113,91Flores30,4283,78
English - Amharic113,91Flores14,1387,4
Arabic - English184,11Flores45,7987,95
English - Arabic190,63Flores33,4588,28
Armenian - English113,91Flores37,4786,93
English - Armenian113,91Flores22,0989,32
Armenian - Russian190,63Flores20,9785,06
Russian - Armenian190,63Flores15,7187,00
Azerbaijani - English113,91Flores23,7685,88
English - Azerbaijani113,91Flores17,7984,93
Azerbaijani - Russian190,63Flores16,9585,23
Russian - Azerbaijani190,63Flores13,1083,64
Basque - English113,91Flores32,3486,40
English - Basque113,91Flores21,6986,99
Belarusian - English113,91Flores19,7780,89
English - Belarusian113,91Flores15,5485,16
Bengali - English113,91Flores33,9387,86
English - Bengali239,56Flores23,4186,92
Bosnian - English113,91Flores41,6287,65
English - Bosnian113,91Flores35,5790,61
Bulgarian - English184,00Flores44,9788,28
English - Bulgarian184,00Flores45,9091,22
Catalan - English113,91Flores47,5488,55
English - Catalan113,91Flores45,6287,67
Cebuano - English113,91Flores41,1779,24
English - Cebuano113,91Flores35,4671,80
Chichewa - English113,91Flores22,8669,22
English - Chichewa113,91Flores17,4464,71
Chinese (Simplified) - English184,11Flores29,9186,27
English - Chinese (Simplified)184,11Flores42,2987,70
Chinese (Traditional) - English190,63Flores30,2886,51
English - Chinese (Traditional)190,63Flores36,0688,67
Corsican - English113,91Lingvanex59,9083,86
English - Corsican113,91Lingvanex54,2176,34
Croatian - English184,00Flores 10139,8088,08
English - Croatian184,00Flores34,9591,09
Czech - English184,00Flores41,8388,33
English - Czech184,00Flores36,5390,98
Danish - English184,00Flores51,2190,25
English - Danish184,02Flores49,8891,27
Dutch - English184,00Flores34,0487,20
English - Dutch184,00Flores29,7188,10
Esperanto - English113,91Flores41,6087,49
English - Esperanto113,91Flores32,0288,92
Estonian - English113,91Flores41,0789,33
English - Estonian113,91Flores31,4891,64
Filipino - English113,91Flores47,4186,85
English - Filipino113,91Flores37,7584,61
Finnish - English184,00Flores36,8789,76
English - Finnish184,00Flores27,0690,96
French - English190,65Flores48,8289,46
English - French190,65Flores53,2588,40
Frisian - English113,91Lingvanex65,0684,99
English - Frisian113,91Lingvanex54,8281,09
Galician - English113,91Flores40,5887,52
English - Galician113,91Flores37,7187,03
Georgian - Russian190,63Flores18,6085,80
Russian - Georgian190,63Flores13,8585,77
Georgian - English113,91Flores22,0989,32
English - Georgian113,91Flores16,5687,13
German - English190,65Flores46,7689,34
English - German184,02Flores43,0988,15
Greek - English184,00Flores36,1987,38
English - Greek184,00Flores29,5489,02
English - Gujarati113,91Flores28,0088,61
Haitian Creole - English113,91Flores30,0872,24
English - Haitian Creole113,91Flores28,2767,41
Hausa - English113,91Flores33,6478,80
English - Hausa113,91Flores28,7080,76
Hawaiian - English113,91Lingvanex45,1271,92
English - Hawaiian113,91Lingvanex64,2778,56
Hebrew - English184,11Flores46,3188,32
English - Hebrew184,11Flores36,0088,53
Hindi - English113,91Flores38,1888,29
English - Hindi113,91Flores67,6281,99
English - Hmong113,91Lingvanex60,9977,35
Hmong - English184,00Lingvanex45,8775,22
Hungarian - English184,00Flores38,7488,37
English - Hungarian184,00Flores31,4089,97
Icelandic - English113,91Flores37,2785,92
English - Icelandic113,91Flores31,9086,34
Igbo - English113,91Flores26,6068,85
English - Igbo113,91Flores19,0171,94
Indonesian - English184,02Flores46,6589,60
English - Indonesian184,02Flores50,7791,90
Italian - English184,00Flores34,7487,89
English - Italian184,00Flores32,5788,19
Irish - English113,91Flores44,1585,29
English - Irish113,91Flores38,8681,81
Japanese - English190,63Flores31,0588,08
English - Japanese190,63Flores39,6291,56
Javanese - English113,91Flores30,2976,20
English - Javanese113,91Flores28,7986,59
Kannada - English113,91Flores36,0187,38
English - Kannada113,91Flores65,8386,33
Kazakh - English113,91Flores36,2587,61
English - Kazakh113,91Flores26,4890,35
Kazakh - Russian190,63Flores22,7988,12
Russian - Kazakh190,63Flores19,1889,57
Khmer - English113,91Flores33,1985,77
English - Khmer113,91Flores4,7782,37
Kinyarwanda - English113,91Flores32,9873,73
English - Kinyarwanda113,91Flores25,8466,67
Korean - English113,91Flores32,8588,09
English - Korean113,91Flores33,6689,67
Kurdish - English113,91Flores28,8179,90
English - Kurdish113,91Flores12,8580,84
Kyrgyz - English113,91Flores24,2984,79
English - Kyrgyz113,91Flores16,6588,14
Kyrgyz - Russian190,63Flores16,3886,32
Russian - Kyrgyz190,63Flores13,4387,62
Lao - English113,91Flores31,4584,11
English - Lao113,91Flores59,5483,24
Latin - English113,91Lingvanex24,2474,81
English - Latin113,91Lingvanex14,8377,64
Latvian - English113,91Flores38,9587,67
English - Latvian113,91Flores37,8890,49
Lithuanian - English113,91Flores34,9686,24
English - Lithuanian113,91Flores31,2890,11
Luxembourgish - English113,91Flores45,5680,29
English - Luxembourgish113,91Flores27,2857,29
Macedonian - English113,91Flores44,3387,43
English - Macedonian113,91Flores38,1989,28
Malagasy - English113,91Lingvanex38,6083,10
English - Malagasy113,91Lingvanex41,7485,25
Malay - English184,11Flores46,0988,84
English - Malay184,11Flores44,6389,77
Malayalam - English113,91Flores39,2688,28
English - Malayalam113,91Flores23,1988,92
Maltese - English113,91Flores53,1181,83
English - Maltese113,91Flores47,5779,52
Maori - English113,91Flores29,1369,87
English - Maori113,91Flores17,4461,51
Marathi - English113,91Flores37,9487,49
English - Marathi113,91Flores21,4275,73
Mongolian- English113,91Flores31,4085,43
English - Mongolian113,91Flores20,0789,00
Myanmar - English113,91Flores23,1382,43
English - Myanmar113,91Flores55,7287,25
Nepali - English113,91Flores41,6789,94
English - Nepali113,91Flores64,9283,27
Norwegian - English184,00Flores44,2088,78
English - Norwegian184,02Flores35,8590,25
Odia - English113,91Flores32,3486,77
English - Odia113,91Flores21,0981,84
Persian - English184,02Flores39,0487,71
English - Persian184,11Flores27,2487,82
Polish - English184,00Flores30,9485,72
English - Polish184,00Flores24,2489,21
Portuguese (Brazil) - English184,02Flores51,4289,66
English - Portuguese (Brazil)184,02Flores51,6789,40
Portuguese - English184,02Flores50,9389,27
English - Portuguese184,02Flores51,3889,71
Punjabi - English113,91Flores38,1587,74
English - Punjabi113,91Flores28,9184,28
Pushto - English113,91Flores27,0579,68
English - Pushto113,91Flores15,0477,94
Romanian - English184,00Flores45,2289,30
English - Romanian179,58Flores43,6890,29
Russian - English190,65Flores37,8686,63
English - Russian190,65Flores34,6489,37
Russian - Belarusian190,63Lingvanex57,3595,38
Samoan - English113,91Flores27,8168,62
English - Samoan113,91Flores30,0767,20
Serbian - English184,00Flores43,0686,68
English - Serbian184,00Flores36,8788,49
Sesotho - English113,91Flores32,9172,64
English - Sesotho113,91Flores20,3666,18
Shona - English113,91Flores23,0570,04
English - Shona113,91Flores13,7462,88
Sindhi - English113,91Flores31,0979,66
English - Sindhi113,91Flores25,9080,37
Sinhala - English113,91Flores36,7387,92
English - Sinhala113,91Flores21,4287,65
Slovak - English184,11Flores42,3288,33
English - Slovak184,11Flores40,0891,01
Slovenian - English113,91Flores38,2587,76
English - Slovenian113,91Flores35,3990,20
Somali - English113,91Flores29,8977,25
English - Somali113,91Flores14,5680,85
Spanish - English184,02Flores31,4886,92
English - Spanish184,02Flores30,1786,72
Sundanese - English113,91Flores34,0281,42
English - Sundanese113,91Flores20,2379,65
Swahili - English113,91Flores44,9584,91
English - Swahili113,91Flores41,1485,40
Swedish - English184,00Flores51,8990,13
English - Swedish184,00Flores49,3991,24
Tajik - English113,91Flores33,7477,46
English - Tajik113,91Flores24,9776,28
Tajik - Russian190,63Flores23,1579,69
Russian - Tajik190,63Flores19,3875,59
Tamil - English113,91Flores35,1786,48
English - Tamil113,91Flores23,1289,55
Tatar - English113,91Flores30,3779,43
English - Tatar113,91Flores19,0169,26
Thai - English184,02Flores31,6387,71
English - Thai113,91Flores63,6888,57
Turkish - English184,00Flores41,8589,63
English - Turkish184,00Flores35,3390,82
Turkmen - English113,91Flores37,1080,90
English - Turkmen113,91Flores22,9167,00
Ukrainian - English184,00Flores41,5486,98
English - Ukrainian184,00Flores34,3089,88
Ukrainian - Russian190,63Flores28,0791,66
Russian - Ukrainian190,63Flores25,6292,16
Urdu - English113,91Flores31,0984,46
English - Urdu113,91Flores24,8081,71
Uyghur - English113,91Flores28,1786,26
English - Uyghur113,91Flores22,6686,21
Uzbek - English113,91Flores37,4287,64
English - Uzbek113,91Flores23,0490,32
Uzbek - Russian190,63Flores22,1185,40
Russian - Uzbek190,63Flores16,8687,37
Vietnamese - English184,00Flores38,6587,53
English - Vietnamese184,11Flores46,2889,16
Welsh - English113,91Flores61,3689,32
English - Welsh113,91Flores57,5588,83
Xhosa - English113,91Flores36,6578,10
English - Xhosa113,91Flores18,9077,05
Yiddish - English113,91Flores41,8976,88
English - Yiddish113,91Flores10,8867,67
Yoruba - English113,91Flores17,5461,56
English - Yoruba113,91Flores3,5755,39
Zulu - English113,91Flores36,8378,00
English - Zulu113,91Flores21,0678,12

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