Laporan Kualitas Terjemahan Lingvanex

Tujuan laporan ini adalah untuk menampilkan kualitas terjemahan model bahasa Lingvanex menurut dua metrik evaluasi terjemahan mesin yang paling populer.

Flores adalah kumpulan uji data sumber terbuka dan tersedia untuk umum yang dirilis oleh Facebook Research dan memiliki cakupan pasangan bahasa terbesar.

Deskripsi metrik kualitas


BLEU adalah metrik otomatis berdasarkan n-gram. Metrik ini mengukur ketepatan n-gram dari hasil terjemahan mesin dibandingkan dengan referensi, yang dibobot dengan penalti keringkasan untuk menghukum terjemahan yang terlalu pendek. Kami menggunakan implementasi BLEU tertentu, yang disebut sacreBLEU. Metrik ini menghasilkan skor korpus, bukan skor segmen.


  • Papineni, Kishore, S. Roukos, T. Ward and Wei-Jing Zhu. “Bleu: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.” ACL (2002).
  • Post, Matt. “A Call for Clarity in Reporting BLEU Scores.” WMT (2018).


COMET (Crosslingual Optimized Metric for Evaluation of Translation) adalah metrik untuk evaluasi otomatis terjemahan mesin yang menghitung kesamaan antara keluaran terjemahan mesin dan terjemahan referensi menggunakan token atau penyematan kalimat. Tidak seperti metrik lainnya, COMET dilatih untuk memprediksi berbagai jenis penilaian manusia dalam bentuk upaya pasca-penyuntingan, penilaian langsung, atau analisis kesalahan penerjemahan.


Pasangan bahasa

Catatan: Ukuran model yang lebih kecil pada hard drive berarti konsumsi memori GPU yang lebih rendah yang menyebabkan biaya penerapan yang lebih rendah. Ukuran model yang lebih kecil memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dalam waktu penerjemahan. Perkiraan penggunaan memori GPU dihitung sebagai ukuran model hard drive x 1,2

Pasangan BahasaModelnya
Ukuran, mb
Afrikaans - English113,91Flores52,3386,43
English - Afrikaans113,91Flores42,5286,92
Albanian - English113,91Lingvanex56,4387,83
English - Albanian113,91Lingvanex57,0489,03
Amharic - English113,91Flores30,4283,78
English - Amharic113,91Flores14,1387,4
Arabic - English184,11Flores45,7987,95
English - Arabic190,63Flores33,4588,28
Armenian - English113,91Flores37,4786,93
English - Armenian113,91Flores22,0989,32
Armenian - Russian190,63Flores20,9785,06
Russian - Armenian190,63Flores15,7187,00
Azerbaijani - English113,91Flores23,7685,88
English - Azerbaijani113,91Flores17,7984,93
Azerbaijani - Russian190,63Flores16,9585,23
Russian - Azerbaijani190,63Flores13,1083,64
Basque - English113,91Flores32,3486,40
English - Basque113,91Flores21,6986,99
Belarusian - English113,91Flores19,7780,89
English - Belarusian113,91Flores15,5485,16
Bengali - English113,91Flores33,9387,86
English - Bengali239,56Flores23,4186,92
Bosnian - English113,91Flores41,6287,65
English - Bosnian113,91Flores35,5790,61
Bulgarian - English184,00Flores44,9788,28
English - Bulgarian184,00Flores45,9091,22
Catalan - English113,91Flores47,5488,55
English - Catalan113,91Flores45,6287,67
Cebuano - English113,91Flores41,1779,24
English - Cebuano113,91Flores35,4671,80
Chichewa - English113,91Flores22,8669,22
English - Chichewa113,91Flores17,4464,71
Chinese (Simplified) - English184,11Flores29,9186,27
English - Chinese (Simplified)184,11Flores42,2987,70
Chinese (Traditional) - English190,63Flores30,2886,51
English - Chinese (Traditional)190,63Flores36,0688,67
Corsican - English113,91Lingvanex59,9083,86
English - Corsican113,91Lingvanex54,2176,34
Croatian - English184,00Flores 10139,8088,08
English - Croatian184,00Flores34,9591,09
Czech - English184,00Flores41,8388,33
English - Czech184,00Flores36,5390,98
Danish - English184,00Flores51,2190,25
English - Danish184,02Flores49,8891,27
Dutch - English184,00Flores34,0487,20
English - Dutch184,00Flores29,7188,10
Esperanto - English113,91Flores41,6087,49
English - Esperanto113,91Flores32,0288,92
Estonian - English113,91Flores41,0789,33
English - Estonian113,91Flores31,4891,64
Filipino - English113,91Flores47,4186,85
English - Filipino113,91Flores37,7584,61
Finnish - English184,00Flores36,8789,76
English - Finnish184,00Flores27,0690,96
French - English190,65Flores48,8289,46
English - French190,65Flores53,2588,40
Frisian - English113,91Lingvanex65,0684,99
English - Frisian113,91Lingvanex54,8281,09
Galician - English113,91Flores40,5887,52
English - Galician113,91Flores37,7187,03
Georgian - Russian190,63Flores18,6085,80
Russian - Georgian190,63Flores13,8585,77
Georgian - English113,91Flores22,0989,32
English - Georgian113,91Flores16,5687,13
German - English190,65Flores46,7689,34
English - German184,02Flores43,0988,15
Greek - English184,00Flores36,1987,38
English - Greek184,00Flores29,5489,02
English - Gujarati113,91Flores28,0088,61
Haitian Creole - English113,91Flores30,0872,24
English - Haitian Creole113,91Flores28,2767,41
Hausa - English113,91Flores33,6478,80
English - Hausa113,91Flores28,7080,76
Hawaiian - English113,91Lingvanex45,1271,92
English - Hawaiian113,91Lingvanex64,2778,56
Hebrew - English184,11Flores46,3188,32
English - Hebrew184,11Flores36,0088,53
Hindi - English113,91Flores38,1888,29
English - Hindi113,91Flores67,6281,99
English - Hmong113,91Lingvanex60,9977,35
Hmong - English184,00Lingvanex45,8775,22
Hungarian - English184,00Flores38,7488,37
English - Hungarian184,00Flores31,4089,97
Icelandic - English113,91Flores37,2785,92
English - Icelandic113,91Flores31,9086,34
Igbo - English113,91Flores26,6068,85
English - Igbo113,91Flores19,0171,94
Indonesian - English184,02Flores46,6589,60
English - Indonesian184,02Flores50,7791,90
Italian - English184,00Flores34,7487,89
English - Italian184,00Flores32,5788,19
Irish - English113,91Flores44,1585,29
English - Irish113,91Flores38,8681,81
Japanese - English190,63Flores31,0588,08
English - Japanese190,63Flores39,6291,56
Javanese - English113,91Flores30,2976,20
English - Javanese113,91Flores28,7986,59
Kannada - English113,91Flores36,0187,38
English - Kannada113,91Flores65,8386,33
Kazakh - English113,91Flores36,2587,61
English - Kazakh113,91Flores26,4890,35
Kazakh - Russian190,63Flores22,7988,12
Russian - Kazakh190,63Flores19,1889,57
Khmer - English113,91Flores33,1985,77
English - Khmer113,91Flores4,7782,37
Kinyarwanda - English113,91Flores32,9873,73
English - Kinyarwanda113,91Flores25,8466,67
Korean - English113,91Flores32,8588,09
English - Korean113,91Flores33,6689,67
Kurdish - English113,91Flores28,8179,90
English - Kurdish113,91Flores12,8580,84
Kyrgyz - English113,91Flores24,2984,79
English - Kyrgyz113,91Flores16,6588,14
Kyrgyz - Russian190,63Flores16,3886,32
Russian - Kyrgyz190,63Flores13,4387,62
Lao - English113,91Flores31,4584,11
English - Lao113,91Flores59,5483,24
Latin - English113,91Lingvanex24,2474,81
English - Latin113,91Lingvanex14,8377,64
Latvian - English113,91Flores38,9587,67
English - Latvian113,91Flores37,8890,49
Lithuanian - English113,91Flores34,9686,24
English - Lithuanian113,91Flores31,2890,11
Luxembourgish - English113,91Flores45,5680,29
English - Luxembourgish113,91Flores27,2857,29
Macedonian - English113,91Flores44,3387,43
English - Macedonian113,91Flores38,1989,28
Malagasy - English113,91Lingvanex38,6083,10
English - Malagasy113,91Lingvanex41,7485,25
Malay - English184,11Flores46,0988,84
English - Malay184,11Flores44,6389,77
Malayalam - English113,91Flores39,2688,28
English - Malayalam113,91Flores23,1988,92
Maltese - English113,91Flores53,1181,83
English - Maltese113,91Flores47,5779,52
Maori - English113,91Flores29,1369,87
English - Maori113,91Flores17,4461,51
Marathi - English113,91Flores37,9487,49
English - Marathi113,91Flores21,4275,73
Mongolian- English113,91Flores31,4085,43
English - Mongolian113,91Flores20,0789,00
Myanmar - English113,91Flores23,1382,43
English - Myanmar113,91Flores55,7287,25
Nepali - English113,91Flores41,6789,94
English - Nepali113,91Flores64,9283,27
Norwegian - English184,00Flores44,2088,78
English - Norwegian184,02Flores35,8590,25
Odia - English113,91Flores32,3486,77
English - Odia113,91Flores21,0981,84
Persian - English184,02Flores39,0487,71
English - Persian184,11Flores27,2487,82
Polish - English184,00Flores30,9485,72
English - Polish184,00Flores24,2489,21
Portuguese (Brazil) - English184,02Flores51,4289,66
English - Portuguese (Brazil)184,02Flores51,6789,40
Portuguese - English184,02Flores50,9389,27
English - Portuguese184,02Flores51,3889,71
Punjabi - English113,91Flores38,1587,74
English - Punjabi113,91Flores28,9184,28
Pushto - English113,91Flores27,0579,68
English - Pushto113,91Flores15,0477,94
Romanian - English184,00Flores45,2289,30
English - Romanian179,58Flores43,6890,29
Russian - English190,65Flores37,8686,63
English - Russian190,65Flores34,6489,37
Russian - Belarusian190,63Lingvanex57,3595,38
Samoan - English113,91Flores27,8168,62
English - Samoan113,91Flores30,0767,20
Serbian - English184,00Flores43,0686,68
English - Serbian184,00Flores36,8788,49
Sesotho - English113,91Flores32,9172,64
English - Sesotho113,91Flores20,3666,18
Shona - English113,91Flores23,0570,04
English - Shona113,91Flores13,7462,88
Sindhi - English113,91Flores31,0979,66
English - Sindhi113,91Flores25,9080,37
Sinhala - English113,91Flores36,7387,92
English - Sinhala113,91Flores21,4287,65
Slovak - English184,11Flores42,3288,33
English - Slovak184,11Flores40,0891,01
Slovenian - English113,91Flores38,2587,76
English - Slovenian113,91Flores35,3990,20
Somali - English113,91Flores29,8977,25
English - Somali113,91Flores14,5680,85
Spanish - English184,02Flores31,4886,92
English - Spanish184,02Flores30,1786,72
Sundanese - English113,91Flores34,0281,42
English - Sundanese113,91Flores20,2379,65
Swahili - English113,91Flores44,9584,91
English - Swahili113,91Flores41,1485,40
Swedish - English184,00Flores51,8990,13
English - Swedish184,00Flores49,3991,24
Tajik - English113,91Flores33,7477,46
English - Tajik113,91Flores24,9776,28
Tajik - Russian190,63Flores23,1579,69
Russian - Tajik190,63Flores19,3875,59
Tamil - English113,91Flores35,1786,48
English - Tamil113,91Flores23,1289,55
Tatar - English113,91Flores30,3779,43
English - Tatar113,91Flores19,0169,26
Thai - English184,02Flores31,6387,71
English - Thai113,91Flores63,6888,57
Turkish - English184,00Flores41,8589,63
English - Turkish184,00Flores35,3390,82
Turkmen - English113,91Flores37,1080,90
English - Turkmen113,91Flores22,9167,00
Ukrainian - English184,00Flores41,5486,98
English - Ukrainian184,00Flores34,3089,88
Ukrainian - Russian190,63Flores28,0791,66
Russian - Ukrainian190,63Flores25,6292,16
Urdu - English113,91Flores31,0984,46
English - Urdu113,91Flores24,8081,71
Uyghur - English113,91Flores28,1786,26
English - Uyghur113,91Flores22,6686,21
Uzbek - English113,91Flores37,4287,64
English - Uzbek113,91Flores23,0490,32
Uzbek - Russian190,63Flores22,1185,40
Russian - Uzbek190,63Flores16,8687,37
Vietnamese - English184,00Flores38,6587,53
English - Vietnamese184,11Flores46,2889,16
Welsh - English113,91Flores61,3689,32
English - Welsh113,91Flores57,5588,83
Xhosa - English113,91Flores36,6578,10
English - Xhosa113,91Flores18,9077,05
Yiddish - English113,91Flores41,8976,88
English - Yiddish113,91Flores10,8867,67
Yoruba - English113,91Flores17,5461,56
English - Yoruba113,91Flores3,5755,39
Zulu - English113,91Flores36,8378,00
English - Zulu113,91Flores21,0678,12

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