Lingvanex Tranalator

Traducteur pour

Rapport sur la qualité de la traduction de Lingvanex

L’objectif de ce rapport est de présenter la qualité de traduction des modèles linguistiques de Lingvanex selon les deux mesures d’évaluation de la traduction automatique les plus populaires.

Flores est un ensemble de tests de données open source et accessible au public qui a été publié par Facebook Research et qui offre la plus grande couverture de paires de langues.

Description des mesures de qualité


BLEU est une métrique automatique basée sur les n-grammes. Elle mesure la précision des n-grammes de la traduction automatique par rapport à la référence, pondérée par une pénalité de concision pour punir les traductions trop courtes. Nous utilisons une implémentation particulière de BLEU, appelée sacreBLEU. Elle génère des scores de corpus, et non des scores de segments.


  • Papineni, Kishore, S. Roukos, T. Ward and Wei-Jing Zhu. “Bleu: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.” ACL (2002).
  • Post, Matt. “A Call for Clarity in Reporting BLEU Scores.” WMT (2018).


COMET (Crosslingual Optimized Metric for Evaluation of Translation) est une mesure d'évaluation automatique de la traduction automatique qui calcule la similarité entre une traduction automatique et une traduction de référence à l'aide d'incorporations de jetons ou de phrases. Contrairement à d'autres mesures, COMET est formé pour prédire différents types de jugements humains sous la forme d'efforts de post-édition, d'évaluation directe ou d'analyse des erreurs de traduction.


Paires de langues

Remarque : la taille plus petite des modèles sur le disque dur signifie une consommation plus faible de mémoire GPU, ce qui entraîne une diminution des coûts de déploiement. Une taille de modèle plus petite offre de meilleures performances en termes de temps de traduction. L'utilisation approximative de la mémoire GPU est calculée comme la taille du modèle de disque dur x 1,2

Paire de languesModèles
Taille, Mo
Afrikaans - English113,91Flores 10152,3386,43
English - Afrikaans113,91Flores 10142,5286,92
Albanian - English113,91Lingvanex55,3186,68
English - Albanian113,91Lingvanex55,8487,88
Amharic - English113,91Flores 10130,4283,78
English - Amharic113,91Flores 10114,1387,4
Arabic - English190,63Flores 10144,8387,65
English - Arabic190,63Flores 10133,2187,81
Armenian - English113,91Flores 10137,4786,93
English - Armenian113,91Flores 10122,0989,32
Armenian - Russian190,63Flores 20020,9785,06
Russian - Armenian190,63Flores 20015,7187,00
Azerbaijani - English113,91Flores 10123,7685,88
English - Azerbaijani113,91Flores 10117,7984,93
Azerbaijani - Russian190,63Flores 20016,9585,23
Russian - Azerbaijani190,63Flores 20013,1083,64
Belarusian - English113,91Flores 10119,7780,89
English - Belarusian113,91Flores 10115,5485,16
Bengali - English113,91Flores 10133,9387,86
English - Bengali113,91Flores 10120,9886,42
Bosnian - English113,91Flores 10141,6287,65
English - Bosnian113,91Flores 10135,5790,61
Bulgarian - English184,00Flores 10142,1687,45
English - Bulgarian184,00Flores 10144,189,99
English - Basque113,91Flores 10126,5283,88
Catalan - English113,91Lingvanex46,3187,97
English - Catalan113,91Flores 10145,6287,67
Cebuano - English113,91Flores 10141.1779,24
English - Cebuano113,91Flores 10135,4671,8
Chichewa - English113,91Flores 10122,8669,22
English - Chichewa113,91Flores 10117,4464,71
Chinese (Simplified) - English190,63Flores 10127,9684,88
English - Chinese (Simplified)190,63Flores 10138,4785,47
Chinese (Traditional) - English190,63Flores 10125,1183,55
English - Chinese (Traditional)190,63Lingvanex30,2585,67
Corsican - English113,91Lingvanex56,7183,19
English - Corsican113,91Flores 10154,2176,34
Croatian - English184,00Flores 10137,186,84
English - Croatian184,00Flores 10131,0388,9
Czech - English184,00Flores 10141,8388,33
English - Czech184,00Flores 10135,9690,77
Danish - English184,00Flores 10149,7589,88
English - Danish184,00Flores 10146,2989,46
Dutch - English184,00Flores 10134,0487,2
English - Dutch184,00Flores 10129,7188,1
Estonian - English113,91Flores 10139,1188,79
English - Estonian113,91Flores 10130,7491,03
Finnish - English184,00Flores 10136,8789,76
English - Finnish184,00Flores 10127,0690,96
French - English195,05Flores 10147,8289,17
English - French195,05Flores 10153,2588,4
Frisian - English113,91Lingvanex63,1983,68
English - Frisian113,91Lingvanex54,2380,62
Georgian - Russian190,63Flores 20018,685,8
Russian - Georgian190,63Flores 20013,8585,77
English - Georgian113,91Flores 10116,5687,13
German - English190,65Flores 10146,5489,07
English - German184,02Flores 10143,0988,15
Greek - English184,02Flores 10136,5287,22
English - Greek184,02Flores 10128,6988,44
English - Gujarati113,91Flores 10128,0088,61
Gaelic-English113,91Flores 10125,2471,42
English-Gaelic113,91Flores 10124,7280,92
Galician - English113,91Flores 10140,5887,52
English - Galician113,91Flores 10141,0887,03
English - Hausa113,91Flores 10128,9380,76
Hawaiian - English113,91Lingvanex45,1271,92
English - Hawaiian113,91Lingvanex64,2778,56
Hebrew - English113,91Flores 10144,9287,78
English - Hebrew113,91Flores 10135,3687,8
Hindi - English113,91Lingvanex38,7887,66
English - Hindi113,91Flores 10138,8678,84
Hungarian - English184,00Flores 10135,1587,27
English - Hungarian184,00Flores 10128,4887,44
Igbo - English113,91Flores 10121,8564,78
English - Igbo113,91Flores 10119,0171,94
Indonesian - English184,00Flores 10145,889,14
English - Indonesian184,37Flores 10150,5192,04
Italian - English184,00Flores 10134,7487,89
English - Italian184,00Flores 10132,5732,57
Irish - English113,91Flores 10144,1585,29
English - Irish113,91Flores 10138,8681,81
Japanese - English190,63Flores 10129,1686,71
English - Japanese190,63Flores 10135,8689,8
Khmer - English113,91Flores 10126,1281,08
English - Khmer113,91Flores 1014,7782,37
Kinyarwanda - English113,91Flores 10128,3670,85
English - Kinyarwanda113,91Flores 10125,8466,67
Korean - English113,91Flores 10129,6886,22
English - Korean113,91Flores 10132,4288,94
Kurdish - English113,91Flores 10122,9474,97
English - Kurdish113,91Flores 10112,8580,84
Kyrgyz - English113,91Flores 10124,2984,79
English - Kyrgyz113,91Flores 10116,6588,14
English - Kannada113,91Flores 10125,3385,00
Kazakh - Russian190,63Flores 20022,687,36
Russian - Kazakh190,63Flores 20019,0589,42
Kyrgyz - Russian190,63Flores 20016,3886,32
Russian - Kyrgyz190,63Flores 20013,4387,62
Lao - English113,91Flores 10131,4584,11
English - Lao113,91Flores 10159,5483,24
Latin - English113,91Lingvanex24,2474,81
English - Latin113,91Lingvanex14,8377,64
Latvian - English113,91Flores 10136,7486,88
English - Latvian113,91Flores 10136,0589,45
Lithuanian - English113,91Flores 10134,1685,51
English - Lithuanian113,91Flores 10130,8489,61
Luxembourgish - English113,91Flores 10138,6974,82
English - Luxembourgish113,91Flores 10127,2857,29
Malay - English113,91Flores 10142,7387,6
English - Malay113,91Flores 10144,0789,38
English - Malayalam113,91Flores 10123,3888,92
Maltese - English113,91Flores 20053,1181,83
English - Maltese113,91Flores 20046,2374,05
Maori - English113,91Flores 10122,9364,7
English - Maori113,91Flores 10117,4461,51
Marathi - English113,91Flores 10137,9487,49
English - Marathi113,91Flores 10121,4275,73
Mongolian- English113,91Lingvanex31,485,43
English - Mongolian113,91Flores 10120,0789,00
Myanmar - English113,91Flores 10123,1382,43
English - Myanmar113,91Flores 10155,7287,25
Malagasy - English113,91Lingvanex38,683,1
Norwegian - English184,00Flores 10143,7488,27
English - Norwegian184,02Flores 10135,0389,4
Odia - English113,91Flores 10132,3486,77
English - Odia113,91Flores 10121,0981,84
Persian - English190,63Flores 10138,687,17
English - Persian190,63Flores 10126,7687,7
Polish - English184,00Flores 10130,9485,72
English - Polish184,00Flores 10124,2489,21
Pushto - English113,91Flores 10127,0579,68
English - Pushto113,91Flores 10115,0477,94
Portuguese (Brazil) - English184,00Lingvanex65,1192,95
English - Portuguese (Brazil)184,02Lingvanex62,7593,84
Portuguese - English184,02Flores 10151,3889,71
English - Portuguese184,02Flores 10150,9389,27
Romanian - English184,00Flores 10143,0288,68
English - Romanian179,58Flores 10141,0188,84
Russian - English190,65Flores 10137,8686,63
English - Russian190,65Flores 10134,6489,37
Russian - Belarusian190,63Lingvanex57,3525,78
Serbian - English184,00Flores 10143,0686,68
English - Serbian184,00Flores 10136,8788,49
Sesotho - English113,91Flores 10132,9172,64
English - Sesotho113,91Flores 10120,3666,18
Sinhala - English113,91Flores 10136,7387,92
English - Sinhala113,91Flores 10121,4287,65
Slovak - English113,91Flores38,1886,85
English - Slovak113,91Flores35,7588,34
Slovenian - English113,91Flores 10134,1386,55
English - Slovenian113,91Flores 10130,6687,36
Spanish - English184,02Flores 10129,9186,35
English - Spanish184,00Flores 10129,4386,31
Sundanese - English113,91Lingvanex17,1774,84
English - Sundanese113,91Lingvanex11,5877,33
Swedish - English184,00Flores 10151,8990,13
English - Swedish184,00Flores 10149,3991,24
Tajik - English113,91Flores 10132,6176,9
English - Tajik113,91Flores 10124,9776,28
Tajik - Russian190,63Flores 20023,1579,69
Russian - Tajik190,63Flores 20019,3875,59
Tamil - English113,91Flores 10135,1786,48
English - Tamil113,91Flores 10123,1289,55
Tatar - English113,91Flores 10129,9179,25
English - Tatar113,91Lingvanex18,6969,09
Telugu-English113,91Flores 10142,0287,74
English-Telugu113,91Flores 10128,387,6
Thai - English184,02Flores 10131,6387,71
English - Thai113,91Flores 10163,6888,57
Turkish - English184,00Flores 10141,8589,63
English - Turkish184,00Flores 10132,4888,68
Turkmen - English113,91Flores 10132,6878,45
English - Turkmen113,91Flores 10122,9167,00
Ukrainian - English190,63Flores 10141,1586,92
English - Ukrainian184,00Flores 10130,286,99
Ukrainian - Russian190,63Flores 20028,0791,66
Russian - Ukrainian190,63Flores 20025,6292,16
Urdu - English113,91Flores 10131,0984,46
English - Urdu113,91Flores 10124,881,71
Uyghur - English113,91Flores 10124,9783,96
English - Uyghur113,91Flores 10122,6686,21
Uzbek - Russian190,63Flores 20022,1185,4
Russian - Uzbek190,63Flores 20016,8687,37
Vietnamese - English184,00Flores 10138,1387,3
English - Vietnamese184,00Flores 10143,8486,95
Xhosa - English113,91Flores 10134,3476,53
English - Xhosa113,91Flores 10118,977,05
Yiddish - English113,91Flores 10141,8976,88
English - Yiddish113,91Flores 10110,8867,67
Yoruba - English113,91Flores 10114,0656,35
English - Yoruba113,91Lingvanex3,5755,39
Zulu - English113,91Flores 10136,8378,00
English - Zulu113,91Flores 10121,0678,12

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