Lingvanexin käännöslaaturaportti
Tämän raportin tavoitteena on esitellä Lingvanex-kielimallien käännösten laatua kahden suosituimman konekäännösarviointimittarin mukaan.
Flores on avoimen lähdekoodin ja julkisesti saatavilla oleva testijoukko, jonka julkaisi Facebook Research ja jolla on suurin kieliparien kattavuus.
Laatumittarien kuvaus
BLEU on automaattinen mittari, joka perustuu n-grammiin. Se mittaa konekäännöstulosten n-grammien tarkkuutta viitteeseen verrattuna painotettuna lyhyyden rangaistuksella liian lyhyiden käännösten rankaisemiseksi. Käytämme erityistä BLEU:n toteutusta, nimeltään sacreBLEU. Se tulostaa korpuspisteitä, ei segmenttipisteitä.
- Papineni, Kishore, S. Roukos, T. Ward and Wei-Jing Zhu. “Bleu: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.” ACL (2002).
- Post, Matt. “A Call for Clarity in Reporting BLEU Scores.” WMT (2018).
COMET (Crosslingual Optimized Metric for Evaluation of Translation) on konekäännösten automaattisen arvioinnin mittari, joka laskee konekäännöstuloksen ja viitekäännöksen samankaltaisuuden käyttämällä tunnus- tai lauseen upotuksia. Toisin kuin muut mittarit, COMET on koulutettu ennustamaan erilaisia inhimillisiä arvioita jälkieditoinnin, suoran arvioinnin tai käännösvirheanalyysin muodossa.
- COMET: High-quality Machine Translation Evaluation -
Huomautus: Kiintolevyllä olevien mallien pienempi koko tarkoittaa pienempää GPU-muistin kulutusta, mikä vähentää käyttöönottokustannuksia. Pienemmällä mallikoolla on parempi suorituskyky käännösajassa. GPU-muistin likimääräinen käyttö lasketaan kiintolevyn mallin kokoina x 1,2
Kielipari | Mallin Koko, mb | Testata Data | BLEU Metrinen | COMET Metrinen |
Afrikaans - English | 113,91 | Flores | 52,33 | 86,43 |
English - Afrikaans | 113,91 | Flores | 42,52 | 86,92 |
Albanian - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 56,43 | 87,83 |
English - Albanian | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 57,04 | 89,03 |
Amharic - English | 113,91 | Flores | 30,42 | 83,78 |
English - Amharic | 113,91 | Flores | 14,13 | 87,4 |
Arabic - English | 184,11 | Flores | 45,79 | 87,95 |
English - Arabic | 190,63 | Flores | 33,45 | 88,28 |
Armenian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,47 | 86,93 |
English - Armenian | 113,91 | Flores | 22,09 | 89,32 |
Armenian - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 20,97 | 85,06 |
Russian - Armenian | 190,63 | Flores | 15,71 | 87,00 |
Azerbaijani - English | 113,91 | Flores | 23,76 | 85,88 |
English - Azerbaijani | 113,91 | Flores | 17,79 | 84,93 |
Azerbaijani - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 16,95 | 85,23 |
Russian - Azerbaijani | 190,63 | Flores | 13,10 | 83,64 |
Basque - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,34 | 86,40 |
English - Basque | 113,91 | Flores | 21,69 | 86,99 |
Belarusian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 19,77 | 80,89 |
English - Belarusian | 113,91 | Flores | 15,54 | 85,16 |
Bengali - English | 113,91 | Flores | 33,93 | 87,86 |
English - Bengali | 239,56 | Flores | 23,41 | 86,92 |
Bosnian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,62 | 87,65 |
English - Bosnian | 113,91 | Flores | 35,57 | 90,61 |
Bulgarian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 44,97 | 88,28 |
English - Bulgarian | 184,00 | Flores | 45,90 | 91,22 |
Catalan - English | 113,91 | Flores | 47,54 | 88,55 |
English - Catalan | 113,91 | Flores | 45,62 | 87,67 |
Cebuano - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,17 | 79,24 |
English - Cebuano | 113,91 | Flores | 35,46 | 71,80 |
Chichewa - English | 113,91 | Flores | 22,86 | 69,22 |
English - Chichewa | 113,91 | Flores | 17,44 | 64,71 |
Chinese (Simplified) - English | 184,11 | Flores | 29,91 | 86,27 |
English - Chinese (Simplified) | 184,11 | Flores | 42,29 | 87,70 |
Chinese (Traditional) - English | 190,63 | Flores | 30,28 | 86,51 |
English - Chinese (Traditional) | 190,63 | Flores | 36,06 | 88,67 |
Corsican - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 59,90 | 83,86 |
English - Corsican | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 54,21 | 76,34 |
Croatian - English | 184,00 | Flores 101 | 39,80 | 88,08 |
English - Croatian | 184,00 | Flores | 34,95 | 91,09 |
Czech - English | 184,00 | Flores | 41,83 | 88,33 |
English - Czech | 184,00 | Flores | 36,53 | 90,98 |
Danish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 51,21 | 90,25 |
English - Danish | 184,02 | Flores | 49,88 | 91,27 |
Dutch - English | 184,00 | Flores | 34,04 | 87,20 |
English - Dutch | 184,00 | Flores | 29,71 | 88,10 |
Esperanto - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,60 | 87,49 |
English - Esperanto | 113,91 | Flores | 32,02 | 88,92 |
Estonian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,07 | 89,33 |
English - Estonian | 113,91 | Flores | 31,48 | 91,64 |
Filipino - English | 113,91 | Flores | 47,41 | 86,85 |
English - Filipino | 113,91 | Flores | 37,75 | 84,61 |
Finnish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 36,87 | 89,76 |
English - Finnish | 184,00 | Flores | 27,06 | 90,96 |
French - English | 190,65 | Flores | 48,82 | 89,46 |
English - French | 190,65 | Flores | 53,25 | 88,40 |
Frisian - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 65,06 | 84,99 |
English - Frisian | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 54,82 | 81,09 |
Gaelic-English | 113,91 | Flores | 29,60 | 76,02 |
English-Gaelic | 113,91 | Flores | 24,72 | 80,92 |
Galician - English | 113,91 | Flores | 40,58 | 87,52 |
English - Galician | 113,91 | Flores | 37,71 | 87,03 |
Georgian - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 18,60 | 85,80 |
Russian - Georgian | 190,63 | Flores | 13,85 | 85,77 |
Georgian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 22,09 | 89,32 |
English - Georgian | 113,91 | Flores | 16,56 | 87,13 |
German - English | 190,65 | Flores | 46,76 | 89,34 |
English - German | 184,02 | Flores | 43,09 | 88,15 |
Greek - English | 184,00 | Flores | 36,19 | 87,38 |
English - Greek | 184,00 | Flores | 29,54 | 89,02 |
Gujarati-English | 113,91 | Flores | 142,09 | 89,68 |
English - Gujarati | 113,91 | Flores | 28,00 | 88,61 |
Haitian Creole - English | 113,91 | Flores | 30,08 | 72,24 |
English - Haitian Creole | 113,91 | Flores | 28,27 | 67,41 |
Hausa - English | 113,91 | Flores | 33,64 | 78,80 |
English - Hausa | 113,91 | Flores | 28,70 | 80,76 |
Hawaiian - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 45,12 | 71,92 |
English - Hawaiian | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 64,27 | 78,56 |
Hebrew - English | 184,11 | Flores | 46,31 | 88,32 |
English - Hebrew | 184,11 | Flores | 36,00 | 88,53 |
Hindi - English | 113,91 | Flores | 38,18 | 88,29 |
English - Hindi | 113,91 | Flores | 67,62 | 81,99 |
English - Hmong | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 60,99 | 77,35 |
Hmong - English | 184,00 | Lingvanex | 45,87 | 75,22 |
Hungarian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 38,74 | 88,37 |
English - Hungarian | 184,00 | Flores | 31,40 | 89,97 |
Icelandic - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,27 | 85,92 |
English - Icelandic | 113,91 | Flores | 31,90 | 86,34 |
Igbo - English | 113,91 | Flores | 26,60 | 68,85 |
English - Igbo | 113,91 | Flores | 19,01 | 71,94 |
Indonesian - English | 184,02 | Flores | 46,65 | 89,60 |
English - Indonesian | 184,02 | Flores | 50,77 | 91,90 |
Italian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 34,74 | 87,89 |
English - Italian | 184,00 | Flores | 32,57 | 88,19 |
Irish - English | 113,91 | Flores | 44,15 | 85,29 |
English - Irish | 113,91 | Flores | 38,86 | 81,81 |
Japanese - English | 190,63 | Flores | 31,05 | 88,08 |
English - Japanese | 190,63 | Flores | 39,62 | 91,56 |
Javanese - English | 113,91 | Flores | 30,29 | 76,20 |
English - Javanese | 113,91 | Flores | 28,79 | 86,59 |
Kannada - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,01 | 87,38 |
English - Kannada | 113,91 | Flores | 65,83 | 86,33 |
Kazakh - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,25 | 87,61 |
English - Kazakh | 113,91 | Flores | 26,48 | 90,35 |
Kazakh - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 22,79 | 88,12 |
Russian - Kazakh | 190,63 | Flores | 19,18 | 89,57 |
Khmer - English | 113,91 | Flores | 33,19 | 85,77 |
English - Khmer | 113,91 | Flores | 4,77 | 82,37 |
Kinyarwanda - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,98 | 73,73 |
English - Kinyarwanda | 113,91 | Flores | 25,84 | 66,67 |
Korean - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,85 | 88,09 |
English - Korean | 113,91 | Flores | 33,66 | 89,67 |
Kurdish - English | 113,91 | Flores | 28,81 | 79,90 |
English - Kurdish | 113,91 | Flores | 12,85 | 80,84 |
Kyrgyz - English | 113,91 | Flores | 24,29 | 84,79 |
English - Kyrgyz | 113,91 | Flores | 16,65 | 88,14 |
Kyrgyz - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 16,38 | 86,32 |
Russian - Kyrgyz | 190,63 | Flores | 13,43 | 87,62 |
Lao - English | 113,91 | Flores | 31,45 | 84,11 |
English - Lao | 113,91 | Flores | 59,54 | 83,24 |
Latin - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 24,24 | 74,81 |
English - Latin | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 14,83 | 77,64 |
Latvian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 38,95 | 87,67 |
English - Latvian | 113,91 | Flores | 37,88 | 90,49 |
Lithuanian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 34,96 | 86,24 |
English - Lithuanian | 113,91 | Flores | 31,28 | 90,11 |
Luxembourgish - English | 113,91 | Flores | 45,56 | 80,29 |
English - Luxembourgish | 113,91 | Flores | 27,28 | 57,29 |
Macedonian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 44,33 | 87,43 |
English - Macedonian | 113,91 | Flores | 38,19 | 89,28 |
Malagasy - English | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 38,60 | 83,10 |
English - Malagasy | 113,91 | Lingvanex | 41,74 | 85,25 |
Malay - English | 184,11 | Flores | 46,09 | 88,84 |
English - Malay | 184,11 | Flores | 44,63 | 89,77 |
Malayalam - English | 113,91 | Flores | 39,26 | 88,28 |
English - Malayalam | 113,91 | Flores | 23,19 | 88,92 |
Maltese - English | 113,91 | Flores | 53,11 | 81,83 |
English - Maltese | 113,91 | Flores | 47,57 | 79,52 |
Maori - English | 113,91 | Flores | 29,13 | 69,87 |
English - Maori | 113,91 | Flores | 17,44 | 61,51 |
Marathi - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,94 | 87,49 |
English - Marathi | 113,91 | Flores | 21,42 | 75,73 |
Mongolian- English | 113,91 | Flores | 31,40 | 85,43 |
English - Mongolian | 113,91 | Flores | 20,07 | 89,00 |
Myanmar - English | 113,91 | Flores | 23,13 | 82,43 |
English - Myanmar | 113,91 | Flores | 55,72 | 87,25 |
Nepali - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,67 | 89,94 |
English - Nepali | 113,91 | Flores | 64,92 | 83,27 |
Norwegian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 44,20 | 88,78 |
English - Norwegian | 184,02 | Flores | 35,85 | 90,25 |
Odia - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,34 | 86,77 |
English - Odia | 113,91 | Flores | 21,09 | 81,84 |
Persian - English | 184,02 | Flores | 39,04 | 87,71 |
English - Persian | 184,11 | Flores | 27,24 | 87,82 |
Polish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 30,94 | 85,72 |
English - Polish | 184,00 | Flores | 24,24 | 89,21 |
Portuguese (Brazil) - English | 184,02 | Flores | 51,42 | 89,66 |
English - Portuguese (Brazil) | 184,02 | Flores | 51,67 | 89,40 |
Portuguese - English | 184,02 | Flores | 50,93 | 89,27 |
English - Portuguese | 184,02 | Flores | 51,38 | 89,71 |
Punjabi - English | 113,91 | Flores | 38,15 | 87,74 |
English - Punjabi | 113,91 | Flores | 28,91 | 84,28 |
Pushto - English | 113,91 | Flores | 27,05 | 79,68 |
English - Pushto | 113,91 | Flores | 15,04 | 77,94 |
Romanian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 45,22 | 89,30 |
English - Romanian | 179,58 | Flores | 43,68 | 90,29 |
Russian - English | 190,65 | Flores | 37,86 | 86,63 |
English - Russian | 190,65 | Flores | 34,64 | 89,37 |
Russian - Belarusian | 190,63 | Lingvanex | 57,35 | 95,38 |
Samoan - English | 113,91 | Flores | 27,81 | 68,62 |
English - Samoan | 113,91 | Flores | 30,07 | 67,20 |
Serbian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 43,06 | 86,68 |
English - Serbian | 184,00 | Flores | 36,87 | 88,49 |
Sesotho - English | 113,91 | Flores | 32,91 | 72,64 |
English - Sesotho | 113,91 | Flores | 20,36 | 66,18 |
Shona - English | 113,91 | Flores | 23,05 | 70,04 |
English - Shona | 113,91 | Flores | 13,74 | 62,88 |
Sindhi - English | 113,91 | Flores | 31,09 | 79,66 |
English - Sindhi | 113,91 | Flores | 25,90 | 80,37 |
Sinhala - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,73 | 87,92 |
English - Sinhala | 113,91 | Flores | 21,42 | 87,65 |
Slovak - English | 184,11 | Flores | 42,32 | 88,33 |
English - Slovak | 184,11 | Flores | 40,08 | 91,01 |
Slovenian - English | 113,91 | Flores | 38,25 | 87,76 |
English - Slovenian | 113,91 | Flores | 35,39 | 90,20 |
Somali - English | 113,91 | Flores | 29,89 | 77,25 |
English - Somali | 113,91 | Flores | 14,56 | 80,85 |
Spanish - English | 184,02 | Flores | 31,48 | 86,92 |
English - Spanish | 184,02 | Flores | 30,17 | 86,72 |
Sundanese - English | 113,91 | Flores | 34,02 | 81,42 |
English - Sundanese | 113,91 | Flores | 20,23 | 79,65 |
Swahili - English | 113,91 | Flores | 44,95 | 84,91 |
English - Swahili | 113,91 | Flores | 41,14 | 85,40 |
Swedish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 51,89 | 90,13 |
English - Swedish | 184,00 | Flores | 49,39 | 91,24 |
Tajik - English | 113,91 | Flores | 33,74 | 77,46 |
English - Tajik | 113,91 | Flores | 24,97 | 76,28 |
Tajik - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 23,15 | 79,69 |
Russian - Tajik | 190,63 | Flores | 19,38 | 75,59 |
Tamil - English | 113,91 | Flores | 35,17 | 86,48 |
English - Tamil | 113,91 | Flores | 23,12 | 89,55 |
Tatar - English | 113,91 | Flores | 30,37 | 79,43 |
English - Tatar | 113,91 | Flores | 19,01 | 69,26 |
Telugu-English | 113,91 | Flores | 42,02 | 87,74 |
English-Telugu | 113,91 | Flores | 28,30 | 87,60 |
Thai - English | 184,02 | Flores | 31,63 | 87,71 |
English - Thai | 113,91 | Flores | 63,68 | 88,57 |
Turkish - English | 184,00 | Flores | 41,85 | 89,63 |
English - Turkish | 184,00 | Flores | 35,33 | 90,82 |
Turkmen - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,10 | 80,90 |
English - Turkmen | 113,91 | Flores | 22,91 | 67,00 |
Ukrainian - English | 184,00 | Flores | 41,54 | 86,98 |
English - Ukrainian | 184,00 | Flores | 34,30 | 89,88 |
Ukrainian - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 28,07 | 91,66 |
Russian - Ukrainian | 190,63 | Flores | 25,62 | 92,16 |
Urdu - English | 113,91 | Flores | 31,09 | 84,46 |
English - Urdu | 113,91 | Flores | 24,80 | 81,71 |
Uyghur - English | 113,91 | Flores | 28,17 | 86,26 |
English - Uyghur | 113,91 | Flores | 22,66 | 86,21 |
Uzbek - English | 113,91 | Flores | 37,42 | 87,64 |
English - Uzbek | 113,91 | Flores | 23,04 | 90,32 |
Uzbek - Russian | 190,63 | Flores | 22,11 | 85,40 |
Russian - Uzbek | 190,63 | Flores | 16,86 | 87,37 |
Vietnamese - English | 184,00 | Flores | 38,65 | 87,53 |
English - Vietnamese | 184,11 | Flores | 46,28 | 89,16 |
Welsh - English | 113,91 | Flores | 61,36 | 89,32 |
English - Welsh | 113,91 | Flores | 57,55 | 88,83 |
Xhosa - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,65 | 78,10 |
English - Xhosa | 113,91 | Flores | 18,90 | 77,05 |
Yiddish - English | 113,91 | Flores | 41,89 | 76,88 |
English - Yiddish | 113,91 | Flores | 10,88 | 67,67 |
Yoruba - English | 113,91 | Flores | 17,54 | 61,56 |
English - Yoruba | 113,91 | Flores | 3,57 | 55,39 |
Zulu - English | 113,91 | Flores | 36,83 | 78,00 |
English - Zulu | 113,91 | Flores | 21,06 | 78,12 |
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