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Top 5 Examples How Machine Translation Scales Your Business

In the world where machines take on increasingly more tasks, people still establish relationships, be it personal or professional, through natural language. The use of a common language fosters trust with clients and investors, while day-to-day communication with people around the globe becomes easy when you have reliable machine translation tools at your fingertips.

Each year the Web Globalization Report Card provides insights into the emerging trends on the web. Now more than ever companies need to support at least as many as 40 languages to keep up with the competition. Web globalization is only starting to get into its stride, and we are not surprised at seeing more businesses discover the value of machine translation (MT)

The range of situations in which MT can be useful is extensive, but one thing is clear: whenever companies are involved in international communication, their investment in machine translation brings significant returns

Here are Top 5 changes you will see when you integrate MT in your business processes:

Collaboration with foreign partners and suppliers will become smoother

For companies that are involved in various manufacturing industries that have to coordinate supply chain processes across many countries, operational performance is improved when all the parties can speak freely and understand each other. Misunderstandings are easier to manage in an environment when people are not constrained by the necessity to converse in a language they might not be so good at. When dealing with contracts, technical documents and logistics personnel, the better both parties communicate with each other, the better the chances to reduce costs and minimize errors. To keep your information private you can use a trustworthy solution like Lingvanex On-Premise Translation Server.

International traffic will increase

When researching the global market tendencies one might assume that most of the people who make purchases online are comfortable with buying on websites with only English as a language option. Apparently that is not the case. E-commerce platforms should take into account the fact that, according to the Common Sense Advisory survey, less than 25% of people are okay with only English as an option. All the rest would prefer to read product descriptions, customer reviews, and engage in real-time conversation with the customer service in their native language. Therefore translation, be it of conversations or of written texts, can make a real difference to a business.

Customer satisfaction will amplify

None can dispute the power of addressing customer inquiries with both expertise and willingness to connect with clients from diverse linguistic backgrounds. You have to make sure that your machine translation software covers as many languages as possible which will ensure a highly personalized service to however should ask for help. Companies can translate text or audio during multiple forms of interactions. For example, email consultations, call center support, addressing customer feedback and localizing FAQs. Businesses can use such MT software as Lingvanex On-Premise Translation Server and Voice Recognition Server.

You will skyrocket your analytics

Translating and analyzing sensitive data needs to be done with safe machine translation tools. The best ones are those that don’t send your information to any third parties which sometimes happen when services work with cloud. When you have found an MT service you can trust, for example Lingvanex On-Premise Translation Server, you can process unlimited amounts of data, delivering reports and providing yourself or your client with comprehensive global insights. This level of commitment will significantly enhance our value in the competitive market.

Inter-team talent will save time with translated chat conversations

Global collaboration can be a huge benefit to a company, provided that the diversity of languages within the community is properly attended to. Constant switching between translation apps and a company’s messenger can be time-consuming and cumbersome. There can be communication gaps that result in misunderstandings of tasks and delays in project timelines. In this case the best bet is to choose a solution that can translate within a messenger, for example Lingvanex Slack Translator. Instant translation of instruction and discussions ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is machine translation important for businesses?

Machine translation is important if businesses aim to improve international communication and operational efficiency across diverse sectors such as e-commerce, digital marketing, manufacturing, analytics, financial services, hospitality, legal services etc

How can I be sure of the privacy of machine translation software?

The best way to ensure the safety of your translated data is to use the services of a machine translation company that offers on-premise solutions, meaning that all the information gets processed within your company and doesn't go to any third parties. You can look into such solutions as Lingvanex On-Premise Translation Server and Voice Recognition Server.

What is the translator for messengers that businesses can use?

There are several translators that a company can employ. For example, Lingvanex Slack Translator that allows you to translate dialogues in any messenger on the spot.

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