Optimizing Documentation Standards: Annual Savings with Lingvanex’s Solution

A global chemical manufacturer* faced difficulties in standardizing their equipment operation manuals, ensuring clarity and compliance with international standards became a significant challenge. Additionally, the company faced another challenge within their research divisions. Research reports and compliance documentation were required to adhere to strict internal protocols, with specific guidelines for documenting experiment procedures, analyzing results, and maintaining consistent structure across all reports. With teams spanning multiple regions and languages, maintaining these internal standards manually was both costly and time-consuming.
As they continued expanding, the company sought a new solution to standardize research documentation, transforming any report into the correct format with the right terminology, thereby reducing the need for manual adjustments and ensuring internal compliance.
*The company's name is not disclosed in compliance with confidentiality agreements.
Product: Simplified Technical English (STE)
The chemical manufacturer initially implemented Lingvanex’s STE Converter to standardize their equipment operation manuals. As the solution worked well for the international standards, another tool was created, specifically tailored to convert research documentation to meet internal guidelines. This solution allowed the company to automatically reformat all reports, aligning them with the company’s protocols for documenting research procedures, result evaluations, and compliance with safety standards.
The system was designed to recognize various document types, automatically restructuring them to meet internal standards, and ensuring consistent terminology, clarity, and formatting across all reports.
The custom converter also supported multiple languages essential to the company's international teams, including French, German, and Spanish. Integration was seamless, which made the transition straightforward.

By implementing Lingvanex’s custom protocol converter, the chemical manufacturer realized significant annual savings, as automated formatting eliminated the need for manual documentation adjustments and reduced per-document processing costs.
This new documentation workflow not only maintained compliance with internal standards but also improved accuracy and saved time, allowing researchers to focus on their core tasks. With Lingvanex’s solution, the company now maintains consistent and compliant documentation across its global research operations, ensuring quality and regulatory adherence.
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