Translation of "Two" into Malay
Two / Dua
I only had time to frame those two problems.
Saya hanya ada masa untuk memperkatakan dua masalah itu sahaja.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 Number two: use transition moments to your advantage.
Nombor dua: gunakan saat peralihan untuk manfaat anda.
Data source: TED2020_v1 And two months later I was teaching a class.
Dua bulan kemudian saya mengajar satu kelas.
Data source: TED2020_v1 Namibia confirmed its first cases, two tourists visiting the country.
Namibia mengesahkan kes pertama, dua pelancong melawat negara ini.
Data source: ELRC-3088-wikipedia_health_v1 Join-dctrl join two Debian control files.
Join-dctrl gabungkan dua fail kawalan Debian.
Data source: Ubuntu_v14.10 Home > Products > Two Roll Mill > Variable Speed Two Roll Mill > Mass Production Varaible Speed Two Roll Mill.
Home > Produk-produk > Dua Roll Mill > Kelajuan Dua Kilang Rollable > Pengeluaran Massa Varaible Speed Two Roll Mill.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Maximum distance allowed between two clicks for them to be considered a double click (in pixels).
Jarak maksimum diizinkan diantara dua klik supaya ia boleh dipertimbangkan sebagai dwi-klik (dalam piksel).
Data source: GNOME_v1