Translation of "Tweed" into Malay
Tweed / Tweed
- flannel
- herringbone
- worsted
- チェック (check)
The worst-hit areas included Lismore and Tweed Heads in NSW, and the Gold Coast and Beaudesert in Queensland.
Kawasan yang mengalami kerosakan teruk termasuklah Lismore dan Tweed Heads di NSW serta Gold Coast dan Beaudesert di Queensland.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Tweed Fabrics made of garments that are fashion and popular.
Tweed Fabrics diperbuat daripada pakaian yang fesyen dan popular.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Wool Tweed Fabric For Fashion Coat China Manufacturer.
China Kain Tweed Wool Untuk Fesyen Coat Manufacturers.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Tod is sorry for ruining everything, and is brought home by Widow Tweed.
Tod sangat bersimpati kerana menghancurkan segala-galanya, dan dibawa pulang ke rumah oleh Widow Tweed.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Berwick-upon-Tweed, a strategic town on the north bank of the River Tweed, (the traditional border in the East March), is slightly closer to Edinburgh than Newcastle.
Berwick-upon-Tweed, sebuah bandar strategi di tebing utara Sungai Tweed (sempadan tradisional March Timur), lebih dekat sedikit kepada Edinburgh daripada Newcastle.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Qiu dong forever without noble temperament of wine red, has been a shining in the world of fashion, as well as a ~ is never quit popular classic color The simple style of the suit collar Super show thin skin A very elegant and sweet tweed coat with.
Qiu dong selama-lamanya tanpa watak merah wain yang mulia, telah bersinar di dunia fesyen, dan juga ~ tidak pernah berhenti dari warna klasik yang popular Gaya ringkas baju kolar Super menunjukkan kulit nipis Tweed mantel yang sangat elegan dan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Home > Products > Woolen Fabrics > Single Face Wool Fabric > Wool Tweed Fabric For Fashion Coat.
Home > Produk-produk > Kain Woolen > Kain bulu Wajah Tunggal > Kain Tweed Wool Untuk Fesyen Coat.
Data source: CCAligned_v1