Translation of "Trump" into Malay
Trump / Trump
Trump did not place the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in charge of the government's response to COVID-19, which Politico reported left some experts in disaster management disappointed.
Trump tidak meletakkan Agensi Pengurusan Kecemasan Persekutuan (FEMA) sebagai teraju kepada tindak balas kerajaan kepada COVID-19, yang menurut laporan Politico menyebabkan sesetengah pakar dalam pengurusan bencana kecewa.
Data source: tico-19_v2020-10-28 Trump remains president and chairman of the Trump Organization.
Trump ialah pengerusi dan presiden The Trump Organization.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 This was the last Miss Universe to be aired on NBC and the last edition that Donald Trump had been the owner.
Ini ialah Miss Universe yang terakhir untuk ditayangkan di NBC dan edisi terakhir yang Donald Trump menjadi pemiliknya.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 They have three children together, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump.
Mereka mendapat tiga anak iaitu Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump dan Eric Trump.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Melania Trump, wife of Donald Trump.
Melania Trump dan suaminya, Donald Trump.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 "On March 10, 2020, The Hill reported that U. S. Senate Republicans who had attended a briefing with President Donald Trump had encouraged him to hold more briefings and to make Anthony Fauci the ""face of the federal government's response"" because according to an unnamed senator","he has credibility"", he ""speaks with authority"" and he ""has respect in the medical community".
"Pada 10 Mac 2020, The Hill melaporkan bahawa ahli Republikan Senat A. S. yang telah menghadiri taklimat dengan Presiden Donald Trump telah mendorongnya untuk mengadakan lebih banyak taklimat dan menjadikan Anthony Fauci sebagai ""wajah tindak balas kerajaan persekutuan"" kerana menurut seorang senator yang tidak disebutkan namanya","beliau mempunyai kredibiliti"", beliau ""berbicara dengan wewenang"" dan beliau ""mempunyai rasa hormat dalam komuniti perubatan".
Data source: ELRC_2922_v1 As of April 2020, Birx serves as the Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the Trump Administration's White House Coronavirus Task Force.
Pada Mac 2020, Birx berperanan sebagai Penyelaras Bertindak Koronavirus untuk Pasukan Petugas Koronavirus Rumah Putih oleh Pentadbiran Trump.
Data source: ELRC-wikipedia_health_v1