Translation of "Ruse" into Malay
Ruse / Muslihat
The body of 30-year-old Viktoria Marinova was found on Saturday close to a jogging path by the Danube, Ruse prosecutor Georgy Georgiev said.
Mayat Viktoria Marinova, 30 ditemui Sabtu lalu berhampiran satu kawasan riadah di Danube, Ruse kata pendakwa, Georgy Georgiev.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 They say they fear that vaccination efforts are simply a ruse meant to disguise espionage.
Mereka mengatakan bahawa mereka bimbang bahawa usaha vaksinasi adalah semata-mata yang bermaksud untuk menyamar pengintipan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Manheim's main base of operations is 20 miles outside of Ruse.
Pangkalan utama Manheim ini beroperasi 20 batu di luar Ruse.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 What the public doesn't know is that the entire love affair of these two famous celebrities, Jack and Vikki, is an elaborate and meticulously planned ruse designed by their ambitious managers May (Alice Lau) and Tom (Charles Chan) to trick the public into believing that they are getting married.
Apa yang orang ramai tidak tahu bahawa hubungan cinta kedua-dua selebriti terkenal, Jack dan Vikki, adalah satu muslihat yang rumit dan teliti yang dirancang yang direka oleh pengurus mereka yang bercita-cita tinggi Mei (Alice Lau) dan Tom (Charles Chan) untuk menipu orang ramai untuk mempercayai bahawa mereka berkahwin.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Fortunately, online scammers tend to not to be the sharpest knives in the drawer, so they usually make simple blunders that tip off their ruse.
Mujurlah, penipu talian cenderung untuk tidak menjadi pisau tajam di dalam laci, jadi mereka biasanya membuat kesilapan mudah yang memberi petunjuk muslihat mereka.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1