Translation of "Rosewood" into Malay
Rosewood / Rosewood
- mahogany
- Dalbergia
- palissander
Amin Nazemzadeh in the role of Andrik ("The girl returns home one night", "Rosewood Institute").
Amin Nazemzadeh dalam peranan Andrik ("Gadis itu pulang ke rumah satu malam", "Institut Rosewood").
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The rosewood is a kind of tree alternate rows up to an altitude of about 25 m and has a diameter of about 3 m.
Rosewood adalah sejenis pokok tumbuh hingga ketinggian kira-kira 25 m dan mempunyai diameter kira-kira 3 m.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Material: silk base, natural mulberry silk, rosewood and glass.
Bahan: asas sutera, sutera mulia semula jadi, rosewood dan kaca.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 In the aftermath of a military coup nearly a year ago, Madagascar’s rainforest parks have been besieged by illegal loggers targeting valuable rosewood and other hardwoods.
Semasa rampasan kuasa oleh tentera lebih setahun yang lalu, taman hutan hujan Madagascar telah ‘dikepung’ oleh pembalak haram yang menyasarkan rosewood dan kayu keras berharga.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Furniture is made of Chinese rosewood in a mixture of Chinese, Victorian and Dutch designs.
Perabot diperbuat daripada rosewood Cina dalam campuran Cina, Victoria dan reka bentuk Belanda.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Rosewood Hotels & Resort runs the tower’s hotel component, which consist of 251 guest rooms and 355 residence occupying the top 16 floors and podium of the tower.
Rosewood Hotels & Resorts menjalankan komponen hotel dalam menara ini, yang terdiri daripada 251 bilik dan 355 kediaman pada 16 tingkat atas dan podium menara.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 You can find the Honduras rosewood in Belize, Southern Mexico, and Guatemala.
Anda boleh menjumpai pokok Rosewood Honduras di Belize, Selatan Mexico, dan di Guatemala.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1