Translation of "Regard" into Malay
Regard / Menghormati
- appreciate
- consider
- esteem
- value
- think of
In this regard, molecular determinants in this important area of virus-host interaction remain to be identified and characterized.
Dalam hal ini, penentu molekular dalam kawasan penting interaksi virus-hos ini masih belum dikenal pasti serta dicirikan.
Data source: tico-19_v2020-10-28 Hamsun's work spans more than 70 years and shows variation with regard to the subject, perspective and environment.
Karya Hamsun menjangkau lebih dari 70 tahun dan menunjukkan variasi berkenaan dengan subjek, perspektif dan persekitaran.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 I'm not condoning murder, but the JSA would've captured Rip without regard for sentiment.
Saya takkan biarkan pembunuhan, tapi JSA akan tangkap Rip tanpa pedulikan sentimen.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 The government has failed in that regard.
Kerajaan telah gagal dalam aspek itu.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 With the Treaty, the agreements between Japan and Korea concerning the settlement of problems in regard to property and claims and economic cooperation was also signed.
Dengan Perjanjian tersebut, perjanjian antara Jepun dan Korea tentang penyelesaian masalah mengenai harta benda dan tuntutan serta kerjasama ekonomi turut ditandatangani.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 The formalities involved with regard to a visit at the casino is eliminated.
Formaliti yang terlibat berkenaan dengan lawatan di kasino dihapuskan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 I am pessimistic in this regard.
Saya pesimistik dalam hal ini.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1