Translation of "Noise" into Malay
Noise / Bising
The higher the ISO, the more noise there will be.
Semakin tinggi ISO, semakin banyak noise yang ada.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 I heard a strange noise outside.
Ibu mendengar suara aneh diluar.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 "If you make the least damn bit of noise" replied Samuel",I will send you to hell".
"Jika anda membuat sedikit-kurangnya sialan bunyi" jawab Samuel",Saya akan menghantar anda ke neraka".
Data source: QED_v2.0a 8. Good noise insulation treatment ensures lower noise during unit running.
8. Hotel rawatan penebat bunyi memastikan bunyi yang lebih rendah semasa unit berjalan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Products for the European market include the "smartFIX" push-fit fitting, the Tempower surface heating and cooling product, Tegra manholes and inspection chambers and the SiTech low noise in-house soil and waste system.
Produk untuk pasaran Eropah termasuk pemasangan pintar "smartFIX", pemanasan permukaan Tempower dan produk penyejukan, lorong Tegra dan dewan pemeriksaan dan bunyi bising rendah SiTech di dalam rumah dan sistem sisa.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 This is in contrast to frequency modulation (FM) and digital radio where the effect of such noise following demodulation is strongly reduced so long as the received signal is well above the threshold for reception.
Hal ini jauh berbeza daripada modulasi frekuensi (FM) dan radio digital di mana sebarang kesan bunyi berikutan penyahmodulatan dikurangkan dengan begitu kuatnya selagi isyarat yang diterima melebihi ambang penerimaan.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 The higher the ISO used, the more digital noise will be present in the image.
Semakin tinggi nilai ISO yang digunakan, semakin banyak noise akan muncul didalam gambar.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1