Translation of "Murder" into Malay
Murder / Pembunuhan
- assassination
- homicide
- killing
- slaying
How to balance a "murder hobo" party with fair punishment.
Bagaimana untuk mengimbangi parti "pembunuhan hobo" dengan hukuman yang adil.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 He now faces charges of murder and attempted murder.
Setakat ini, dia menghadapi dakwaan membunuh dan cubaan membunuh.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 People in this room might disagree about whether Will should have been executed, but I think everybody would agree that the best possible version of his story would be a story where no murder ever occurs.
Mereka yang berada di dewan ini mungkin tidak bersetuju mengenai sama ada Will patut dihukum atau tidak, tetapi saya rasa semua orang akan bersetuju yang versi terbaik cerita Will adalah kisah yang mana tiada pembunuhan berlaku.
Data source: TED2020_v1 She went on to feature in the films Copperhead (2013), Sing Street (2016), Murder on the Orient Express (2017) and Apostle (2018), before portraying Mary Austin in the biographical film Bohemian Rhapsody (2018).
Beliau kemudian muncul dalam filem-filem termasuk Copperhead (2013), Sing Street (2016), Murder on the Orient Express (2017) dan Apostle (2018), sebelum memegang watak Mary Austin dalam filem biografi Bohemian Rhapsody (2018).
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 It was in 2004 that the murder and attempted murder took place in the Christian congregation in Philadelphia Knutby.
Ia adalah pada tahun 2004 bahawa pembunuhan dan cubaan membunuh berlaku dalam jemaah Kristian di Philadelphia Knutby.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 So the psychologist Katherine Phillips, with some colleagues, recently gave murder mystery problems to some students, and these students were collected in groups of four and they were given dossiers with information about a crime - alibis and evidence, witness statements and three suspects.
Ahli psikologi Katherine Phillips bersama rakan sekerjanya, baru-baru ini beri masalah misteri pembunuhan kepada beberapa pelajar, dan pelajar ini terdiri daripada empat orang sekumpulan dan mereka diberikan dosir berserta maklumat tentang satu jenayah - alibi dan bukti, penyataan saksi serta tiga orang disyaki.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 That's an attempted murder, you know?
Itu cubaan membunuh, awak tahu?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018