Translation of "Huddle" into Malay
Huddle / Borak
Google replaces three messaging products that he had implemented concurrently within its services, including Google Talk, Google+ Messenger (formerly: Huddle), and Hangouts, a video chat system present within Google+.
Ia menggantikan tiga produk pesanan yang Google telah melaksanakan serentak dalam perkhidmatannya, termasuk Google Talk, Google+ Messenger (dahulu: Huddle), dan Hangouts, sistem sembang video yang terdapat dalam Google+.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The two can neither see nor smell each other, but nevertheless they huddle together, fending off the cold, and begin to talk.
Kedua-duanya tidak dapat melihat atau mencium satu sama lain, tetapi mereka saling berkumpul, menenangkan kesejukan, dan mula bercakap.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Direct each team to retreat a few feet for a huddle to decide which they will be: giants, wizards, or elves.
Mengarahkan setiap pasukan untuk berundur beberapa kaki untuk merapatkan diri untuk membuat keputusan yang mereka akan: gergasi, ahli-ahli sihir, atau bunian.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 It replaces three messaging products that Google had implemented concurrently within its services, including Google+ Messenger (formerly: Huddle), Google Talk and Hangouts, a video chat system present within Google+.
Ia menggantikan tiga produk pesanan yang Google telah melaksanakan serentak dalam perkhidmatannya, termasuk Google Talk, Google+ Messenger (dahulu: Huddle), dan Hangouts, sistem sembang video yang terdapat dalam Google+.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Two-month free trial for fixed mobile convergence via Voice Connect App: This free trial of Maxis’ calling feature via fixed business line allows companies to huddle at ease via Voice Connect App, and to ease team leaders in engaging with employees remotely, assuring that collaboration is made easy.
Percubaan penggunaan percuma selama dua bulan untuk perkhidmatan konvergen mudah alih tetap melalui App Voice Connect: Percubaan percuma ciri panggilan Maxis ini melalui talian perniagaan tetap memudahkan syarikat untuk berkumpul dan berbincang melalui Voice Connect App, dan untuk n para pemimpin pasukan terlibat dengan pekerja dari jauh.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Another feature of Google+ is called Huddle.
Ada satu feature Google+ ni yang dinamakan Huddle.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1