Translation of "Heterogeneous" into Malay
Heterogeneous / Heterogen
Applications accepted all year round Astrochemical Heterogeneous reactions Photochemistry Chemistry PhD University of Leeds Kinetics Gas phase Atmosphere environment.
Permohonan yang diterima sepanjang tahun Astrochemical Tindak balas heterogen Fotokimia Kimia PhD Universiti Leeds Kinetics Fasa gas Suasana persekitaran.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Chad is an ethnically diverse Central African country in Africa.
Chad adalah sebuah negara etnik heterogeneous di Afrika Tengah.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 In philosophy, syncretism refers to a combination of several heterogeneous, contradictory theories and principles in one system, but without their combination, it is a kind of eclecticism that ignores differences in heterogeneous principles.
Dalam falsafah, syncretism merujuk kepada gabungan beberapa teori, prinsip dan prinsip-prinsip yang bercanggah dalam satu sistem, tetapi tanpa kombinasi mereka, ia adalah sejenis eklektik yang mengabaikan perbezaan dalam prinsip heterogen.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Health Law is now a complicated, heterogeneous domain of law.
Undang-undang Kesihatan kini merupakan rumit, domain heterogen undang-undang.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Humic Acid is extracted from compressed, ancient plant matter in the form of leonardite (a soft brown coal) as one kind of high polymer heterogeneous aromatic materials contains hydroxyl, carboxyl, phenolic hydroxyl and other active groups with black brown appearance.
Asid humik adalah petikan dari loji mampat, purba perkara dalam bentuk leonardite (yang lembut brown arang batu) kerana mengandungi satu jenis bahan aromatik Heterogen tinggi polimer hydroxyl, hydroxyl fenolik, carboxyl dan lain-lain Kumpulan yang aktif dengan rupa coklat hitam.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 LeadLearners.Org _ Kinetics and photochemistry of gas phase and heterogeneous reactions on aerosols in atmospheric and astrochemical environments.
LeadLearners.Org _ Kinetik dan photochemistry fasa gas dan tindak balas heterogen pada aerosol dalam persekitaran atmosfera dan astrochemical.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The lecture comprises three segments covering the central topics of communication between heterogeneous systems, adaptive industrial robotics, and autonomous mobile robotics for in-factory logistics.
Kuliah ini merangkumi tiga segmen yang merangkumi topik utama komunikasi antara sistem heterogen, robotika industri penyesuaian, dan robotika mudah alih autonomi untuk logistik kilang.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1