Translation of "Gauge" into Malay
Gauge / Tolok
Wire thickness: 3mm (gauge 11), 4mm (gauge 8), 5mm (gauge 6), 6mm (gauge 4), etc.
Ketebalan dawai: 3mm (tolok 11), 4mm (tolok 8), 5mm (tolok 6), 6mm (tolok 4), dan lain-lain.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Shake the liquid excellently before you gauge a dose.
Goncang valganciclovir cecair dengan baik sebelum anda mengukur dos.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 In addition, the kit includes a set of needles 40 BD Micro-Fine Ultra 8mm x 0.25mm or any other manufacturer of the correct size (29-gauge, 30-gauge, or 31-gauge).
Di samping itu, kit termasuk satu set jarum 40 BD Micro-Fine Ultra 8mm x 0.25mm atau pengeluar lain saiz yang betul (29-gauge, 30-gauge, atau 31-gauge).
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The Hohenzollern works was a manufacturer of standard gauge engines and about 400 fireless locomotives as well as diesel locomotives of various rail gauges.
Kerja-kerja Hohenzollern ialah pengilang enjin tolok standard dan kira-kira 400 lokomotif tanpa kunci serta lokomotif diesel pelbagai alat pengukur kereta api.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 High Pressure Gauge, Low Pressure Gauge, Refrigerant Pressure Gauge.
Tolok Tekanan Tinggi, Tolok Tekanan Rendah, Tolok Tekanan Penyejuk.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 A submersible pressure gauge is used to keep track of the contents of the diver's air tank.
Sebuah tolok tekanan mudah tenggelam digunakan untuk mengesan kandungan udara dalam tangki penyelam.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 See 1372 mm gauge railways in Japan.
Lihat kereta api tolok 1372 mm di Jepun.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402