Translation of "Field" into Malay
Field / Padang
Select the field in the Field List.
Pilih medan dalam Senarai Medan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Missing information for output field %s.
Maklumat hilang untuk medan output %s.
Data source: Ubuntu_v14.10 This is especially important for people who handle food or work in the medical field, but also an important practice for the general public.
Ini amat penting bagi orang yang mengendalikan makanan atau bekerja di medan perubatan, tetapi juga amalan penting untuk orang awam.
Data source: ELRC-3088-wikipedia_health_v1 Enter the location of the CSS file in this field.
Masukkan lokasi fail CSS dalam medan ini.
Data source: KDE4_v2 I am at the football field.
Saya kat padang bola ni.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 First block lacks a source field.
Blok pertama kekurangan medan sumber.
Data source: Ubuntu_v14.10 Players: 10+ Area: 1/2 Field.
Pemain: 10 + Kawasan: 1/2 Field.
Data source: CCAligned_v1