Translation of "Dorsal" into Malay
Dorsal / Punggung
Our products include walking boots, ankle foot supports, dorsal night splint, neoprene knee braces, back braces posture corrector, shoulder immobilizer, elbow brace, wrist brace, hip abduction, arm slings, cervical collars, finger braces, spinal support, post-op shoes, ortho wedge shoes and other orthotic braces for all parts of body.
Produk kami termasuk but sepatu berjalan kaki, sokongan kaki pergelangan kaki, dorsal splint malam, pendakap lutut neoprena, penyokong belakang penyokong postur, immobilizer bahu, penyokong siku, pendarahan pergelangan tangan, penculikan pinggul, penyambungan lengan, kolar serviks, pendakap jari, sokongan tulang belakang, pasca op kasut, kasut orto orto dan pendakap orthotic lain untuk semua bahagian badan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The ventral respiratory group and the dorsal respiratory group are neurons involved in this regulation.
Kumpulan pernafasan ventral dan kumpulan pernafasan dorsal adalah neuron yang terlibat dalam peraturan ini.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Foot drop braces dorsal night splint with adjustable straps for orthopedic rehabilitation.
Kaki drop pendakap punggung malam dorsal dengan tali boleh laras untuk pemulihan ortopedik.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The dorsal column nuclei, which contain the gracile and cuneate nuclei.
Nukleus lajur dorsal, yang mengandungi nukleus gracile dan cuneate.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 The lungs they are anatomical structures, which belong to the respiratory system and are found in the thoracic cage, which consists of a set of bones that contain the ribs, dorsal vertebrae and sternum, consisting of the part between the base of the neck and the diaphragm, and that in addition to containing the lungs contains the heart.
The paru-paru mereka adalah struktur anatomi, yang termasuk dalam sistem pernafasan dan terdapat dalam sangkar thoracic, yang terdiri daripada satu set tulang yang mengandungi tulang rusuk, vertebra punggung dan sternum, yang terdiri daripada bahagian antara pangkal leher dan diafragma, dan bahawa selain mengandungi paru-paru mengandungi jantung.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The dorsal night splint will also fit both the left and right foot.
Belat malam punggung juga akan pas di kaki kiri dan kanan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Some people with severe spasticity end up having surgery that involves identifying and cutting nerve fibers, called selective dorsal rhizotomy, which can improve their mobility.
Sesetengah orang yang mengalami kerengsaan teruk akhirnya mengalami pembedahan yang melibatkan mengenal pasti dan memotong serat saraf, yang dipanggil rizotomi dorsal selektif, yang boleh meningkatkan mobiliti mereka.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1