Translation of "Closure" into Malay
Closure / Penutupan
- closure
- completion
- conclusion
- finalization
- termination
He promised closure of the Guantanamo Bay prisons.
Beliau berjanji untuk menutup Kem Tahanan Guantanamo.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 On 23 February, Iran's Ministry of Health announced the closure of universities, higher educational institutions and schools in several cities and provinces.
Pada 23 Februari, Kementerian Kesihatan Iran mengumumkan universiti, institusi pendidikan tinggi dan sekolah di beberapa bandar dan wilayah ditutup.
Data source: tico-19_v2020-10-28 On 27 February, Abe requested the closure of all schools from 2 March to the end of spring vacations, which usually conclude in early April.
Pada 27 Februari, Shinzo Abe meminta penutupan semua sekolah untuk membendung penyebaran jangkitan dari 2 Mac hingga akhir cuti musim bunga, yang biasanya disimpulkan pada awal April.
Data source: ELRC-wikipedia_health_v1 Having studied previous influenza pandemics including the 1918 flu pandemic, the influenza pandemic of 1957 and the 1968 flu pandemic, they reported on the economic and workforce effect school closure would have, particularly with a large percentage of doctors and nurses being women, of whom half had children under the age of 16.
Setelah mempelajari pandemik influenza sebelumnya termasuk pandemik selesema 1918, pandemik influenza 1957 dan pandemik selesema 1968, mereka melaporkan tentang kesan ekonomi dan tenaga kerja pada penutupan sekolah, terutamanya dengan peratusan besar doktor dan jururawat adalah wanita, yang daripada ini separuhnya mempunyai anak di bawah umur 16 tahun.
Data source: tico-19_v2020-10-28 Hair Dryer Magnetic Closure Gift Box.
Pengering rambut Peti Hadiah Penutupan Magnetik.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 Closure: No (Elastic rib collar).
Penutupan: Tidak (Kolar tulang rusuk elastik).
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Before we go we just wanted closure.
Sebelum kita pergi Kami hanya mahu penutupan.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018