Translation of "Arcade" into Malay
Arcade / Arked
What do you think of Apple Arcade so far?
Apa pendapat korang tentang langganan Apple Arcade setakat ini?
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The arcade was constructed in 1865.
Arked tersebut telah dibina pada 1865.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Redemption Games Archive - Prize Vending Machines _ Arcade Simulators _ Redemption Games _ Kids Arcade Games _ Classic Arcade Machines _ Mini Park Rides.
Redemption Games Archive - Hadiah Mesin Layan Diri _ Arcade Simulator _ Permainan penebusan _ Kanak-kanak Arcade Permainan _ Mesin Arcade klasik _ Rides Park Mini.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 A number of arcades run between Hay Street and Murray Street, including the Piccadilly Arcade, which houses the Piccadilly Cinema.
Beberapa arcades berjalan antara Hay Street dan Murray Street, termasuk Piccadilly Arcade, yang menempatkan Pawagam Piccadilly.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition will come out for the PlayStation 4 and PC on January 16, 2018.
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition akan dilancarkan di konsol Playstation 4 dan PC pada 16 Januari 2018.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The first service that Apple brought up was Apple Arcade.
Produk yang pertama dipertontonkan oleh Apple adalah Apple Arcade.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 With the help of his father, he joined Nintendo in 1977 after impressing then-president Hiroshi Yamauchi with his toys.[1] He became the company's first artist and helped create art for the arcade game Sheriff,[2] and was later tasked with creating a new arcade unit for the company.
Dengan bantuan ayahnya, dia memasuki Nintendo pada tahun 1977 setelah menarik perhatian presiden ketika itu, Hiroshi Yamauchi dengan mainannya.[1] Dia menjadi artis pertama syarikat dan membantu mencipta seni untuk permainan arked Sheriff,[2] dan kemudian ditugaskan untuk mencipta sebuah unit arked baru untuk syarikat itu.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402