Translation of "Vascular" into Italian
Vascular / Vascolare
- arterial
- circulatory
- vein
- blood vessel
Each segment has its own vascular inflow, outflow and biliary drainage.
Ogni segmento ha il proprio afflusso vascolare, deflusso e drenaggio biliare.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 She was telling me how her treatment was leveraging specific properties of our vascular system.
Mi spiegava come il suo trattamento sfruttasse alcune proprietà del nostro sistema vascolare.
Data source: TED2020_v1 Thromboembolic and ischaemic events, vascular hypotensive disorders, haemorrhage, peripheral vascular disorders uncommon.
Eventi tromboembolici e ischemici, disturbi ipotensivi vascolari, emorragia, disturbi vascolari periferici non comune.
Data source: ELRC-EMEA_v1 The NeoNaNo (Neoadjuvant Nanomedicines for vascular Normalization) project worked to establish whether, by pre-treating tumours with anti-inflammatory nanomedicines, they could improve drug delivery to the areas in which they are most needed.
Il progetto NeoNaNo (Neoadjuvant Nanomedicines for vascular Normalization) ha cercato di stabilire se, pretrattando i tumori con nanomedicine anti-infiammatorie, potesse migliorare la distribuzione dei farmaci nelle aree in cui questi sono maggiormente necessari.
Data source: ELRC-1123-CORDIS_Results_Brief_v1 The vascular system that powers the body are the oil and gas pipelines and electricity grids.
Il sistema vascolare che da energia al corpo sono i condotti di olio e gas e le reti elettriche.
Data source: TED2020_v1 Applications > Vascular Lesions > Video.
Applicazioni > Lesioni Vascolari > Video.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The Department of General and Vascular Surgery.
Il Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale e Vascolare.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2