Translation of "Theatrical" into Italian
Theatrical / Teatrale
- dramatic
- melodramatic
- showy
- staged
- dramatic arts
And all those theatrical luminaries?
E a tutti quei luminari della recitazione?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 He was the theatrical secretary from 1815.
Era il segretario teatrale dal 1815.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 A T C L - Theatrical Association.
A T C L - Associazione Teatrale.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 The engagement of spectators as a crucial part of the performance is actually an extensively widespread practice, capable to question the theories and the procedures of theatrical language.
Il coinvolgimento degli spettatori come parte determinante dell’accadimento scenico è ormai una pratica ampiamente diffusa, in grado di mettere in discussione le teorie e le prassi del linguaggio teatrale.
Data source: ELRC-5067-SciPar_v1 A Research and Experimentation Theatrical Company.
Compagnia Ricerca e Sperimentazione Teatrale.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 The performance was all too theatrical.
Tutta la scena era troppo teatrale.
Data source: GlobalVoices_v2018q4 How can I get more information on Disney Theatrical Group productions?
Come posso avere più informazioni sul Disney Theatrical Group?
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9