Translation of "Steeple" into Italian
Tommy, let's go up to the steeple and see what's going on.
Tommy, saliamo sul campanile per vedere cosa succede.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 That-that shot with the steeple, it sounded pretty, you know.
L'inquadratura con il campanile - Sembrava carina, sai.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 The Church of St. Dominic was built in 1745 and became a parish church in 1777; white steeple, very characteristic, with angles in dark volcanic stone, was built in 1883.
La chiesa di San Domenico è stata costruita nel 1745 e divenne parrocchia nel 1777; campanile bianco, molto caratteristico, con angoli in pietra vulcanica, è stato costruito nel 1883.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Hey, would you mind taking a picture of me with the steeple, so I can send it to my parents?
Ehi, mi faresti una foto con il campanile, cosi' la mando ai miei genitori?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Sensor and Shikari were forced to use the unstable link to Steeple to escape, and the four of them were able to free Saturn Girl who, with aid from Apparition and Ultra Boy's child, Cub, was able to defeat Universo, while Ferro and Karate Kid rejoined the team.
Sensor e Shikari furono costretti ad utilizzare un collegamento instabile verso Steeple per fuggire, così i quattro riuscirono a liberare Saturn Girl, che, con l'aiuto del figlio di Apparizione ed Ultra Boy, Cub, riuscirono a sconfiggere Universo, mentre Ferro e Karate Kid si riunirono al gruppo.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 At which point our stuntman, Glenn, will make his fall from the steeple.
A questo punto il nostro stuntman, Glenn, cadra' dal campanile.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 A visit to the St. Michael’s Church in Silandro and to its steeple (97m), which is the highest of Tyrol.
Una visita alla Chiesa di San Michele di Silandro e al suo campanile, il più alto del Tirolo (97m).
Data source: CCAligned_v1