Translation of "Stanch" into Italian
Stanch / Tamponare
He had many warm friends and stanch admirers among both the young men and the young women of Nazareth.
Egli aveva molti buoni amici ed ammiratori ferventi fra i giovani e le giovani di Nazaret.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 It was impossible to stanch the flow.
Quindi era impossibile fermare il flusso.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 She wanted me to believe in order to stanch that dark undertow of doubt.
Voleva che io credessi per stancare quella oscura risacca di dubbio.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 At Shifa he underwent six hours of surgery to stanch the bleeding.
A Shifa ha subito un intervento chirurgico di sei ore per fermare l’emorragia.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 A plan is hatched to stanch the bleeding, and three hours later, the operation ends successfully.
Viene tracciato un piano per bloccare l'emorragia e tre ore dopo l'operazione termina correttamente.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The Huxley’s were members of the British aristocratic ‘elite’ and stanch advocates of eugenics.
Gli Huxley furono membri della ‛élite’ aristocratica inglese e determinati sostenitori dell’eugenetica.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Will this be enough to stanch the bleeding?
Ma sarà sufficiente per fermare l’emorragia?
Data source: CCMatrix_v1