Translation of "Spooky" into Italian
Spooky / Sinistro
- creepy
- eerie
- frightening
- ghostly
- haunting
It was released on DVD and Blu-ray on August 28, 2012, as a part of Shrek's Thrilling Tales (Shrek's Spooky Stories).
È stato pubblicato su DVD e Blu-ray il 28 agosto 2012, come parte di Shrek's Thrilling Tales (Shrek's Spooky Stories).
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Rowan Atkinson as Emile Mondavarious: The owner of Spooky Island.
Rowan Atkinson: Emile Mondavarious, proprietario di Spooky Island.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Warner, guitarist Putesky and bassist Brian Tutunick recorded their first demo tape as Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids in 1990, taking on the stage names of Marilyn Manson, Daisy Berkowitz and Olivia Newton Bundy, respectively.
Warner, il chitarrista Putesky e il bassista Brian Tutunick registrarono la loro prima musicassetta demo con il nome di Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids nel 1990, assumendo i nomi d'arte Marilyn Manson, Daisy Berkowitz e Olivia Newton Bundy, rispettivamente.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 You could call this the positive feedback of negative vibes, but I think in something so spooky, we really shouldn't have the word positive there at all, even in a technical sense.
Possiamo chiamarlo il feedback positivo alle vibrazioni negative, ma parlando di una cosa tanto inquietante, davvero non dovremmo utilizzare la parola positivo, neanche in senso tecnico.
Data source: TED2013_v1.1 You know what you're here for, Spooky.
Lo sai perchè sei qui, Spooky.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Many require 3 weeks of continuous treatments running several Spooky Generators.
Molte richiedono 3 settimane di trattamenti continui con diversi generatori Spooky.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 And this is compounded by the issue that the landscapes that define our natural heritage and fuel our aquifer for our drinking water have been deemed as scary and dangerous and spooky.
E questo si unisce al problema che i paesaggi che definiscono la nostra eredità naturale e alimenta le falde acquifere per l'acqua potabile sono state giudicate spaventose, pericolose e inquietanti.
Data source: TED2020_v1