Translation of "Society" into Italian
Society / Società
Control bodies Hyogo prefectural Organic Agriculture Society (HOAS),
Organismi di controllo Hyogo prefectural Organic Agriculture Society (HOAS),
Data source: DGT_v2019 We have contributed to society.
Abbiamo dato il nostro contributo alla società.
Data source: TED2020_v1 He was associated first with the Catholic Bible Society of Regensburg, and then with the British and Foreign Bible Society.
Fu associato prima alla Catholic Bible Society of Regensburg e poi alla British and Foreign Bible Society.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 An adequate dosing, in order to achieve optimal clinical efficacy and to prevent emergence of antimicrobial resistance, is therefore crucial both for the individual patient and for the society, especially in light of the current increase of resistant uropathogens.
Un dosaggio adeguato per raggiungere l’ efficacia clinica ottimale e prevenire l’ emergere di una resistenza antimicrobica è quindi fondamentale sia per il singolo paziente sia per l’ intera collettività, soprattutto alla luce dell’ attuale aumento degli uropatogeni resistenti.
Data source: EMEA_v3 This would be a microcosm of society.
Sarebbe un microcosmo della società.
Data source: TED2020_v1 The Royal Society insisted on the repetition of the experiments and reminded Price that, as a member, he was calling the honour of the Society into question.
La Royal Society insistette nella ripetizione degli esperimenti, ricordando a Price che, come membro, egli stava chiamando in causa l'onore della Society.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 He was also a fellow of the Geological Society, a member of the Wernerian Natural History Society, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Era anche fellow della Geological Society, membro della Wernerian Natural History Society e fellow della Royal Society di Edimburgo.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1