Seasoning (Condimento)
Translation into Italian
Nostalgic seasoning - 31st January 2016.
Nostalgic seasoning - 31 Gennaio 2016.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 I think it could use some more seasoning.
Penso che ci vorrebbe un po' più di condimento.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 The jerk seasoning is a spice that is spread on the meat on the grill like barbecue sauce.
La jerk seasoning è una spezia che si mette sulla carne alla griglia come la salsa barbecue.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Ideal for seasoning fish, salads, soups.
Ideale per condire pesce, insalate, minestre.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Herbs and spices Aromatic herbs, spices and vegetable seasoning (dried) 98 0 0 EN 1788; en 13751.
Erbe aromatiche e spezie Erbe aromatiche, spezie e condimenti vegetali (essiccati) 98 0 0 EN 1788; en 13751.
Data source: ELRC-EU_publications_v1 Categories: Organic Herbs, Spices and Seasoning, Organic Oil and Vinegar, Herbs, Spices and Seasoning.
Categorie: Aromi, Spezie e Condimenti Bio, Olio e Aceto Bio, Aromi, Spezie e Condimenti.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Who's truly hungry don't need no seasoning.
Chi ha veramente fame non ha bisogno di condimenti.
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 Synonyms
- flavoring
- herb
- ingredient
- spice
- condiment