Translation of "Scratch" into Italian
I was happy because these kids were using Scratch just in the way that we had hoped that they would.
Ero felice perché questi ragazzi stavano usando Scratch proprio nel modo in cui speravamo.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 Form true or false in Scratch.
Formare vero o falso in Scratch.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Once the skin is irritated, an itch-scratch cycle starts and this may lead to lesions that are quite severe in appearance within a few hours.
Una volta che la pelle è irritata, inizia un ciclo di prurito-grattamento suscettibile di provocare lesioni che in poche ore prendono un aspetto piuttosto grave.
Data source: EMEA_v3 The original bassist Paul Miner, said that his top 10 albums of all time are: Bad Brains - "ROIR tape", Minor Threat - "Out of Step", Iron Maiden - "The Number of the Beast", Iron Maiden - "Piece of Mind", "Van Halen II", The Police - "Outlandos d'Amour", Dead Kennedys - "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables", Sick of It All - "Scratch the Surface", Refused - "The Shape of Punk to Come", Annihilator - "Never, Neverland".
Il bassista originale, Paul Miner, disse che i suoi 10 album preferiti sono: Bad Brains - "ROIR tape", Minor Threat - "Out of Step", Iron Maiden - "The Number of the Beast", Iron Maiden - "Piece of Mind", Van Halen - "II", The Police - "Outlandos d'Amour", Dead Kennedys - "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables", Sick Of It All - "Scratch the Surface", Refused - "The Shape of Punk to Come", Annihilator - "Never, Neverland".
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 It wasn't Scratch who framed me.
Non è stato Scratch a incastrarmi.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 This stream can be generated from an existing XML document or there are generators that can create XML from scratch to represent something on the server, such as a directory structure or image data.
Tale stream può essere generato da un documento XML esistente oppure vi sono dei generators che possono creare XML from scratch che rappresentano ad esempio una struttura di directory o i dati relativi a delle immagini.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 So I thought, okay, I'll try and make an electric toaster from scratch.
Quindi ho pensato, ok, proverò a costruire un tostapane elettrico da zero.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1