Translation of "Polytechnic" into Italian
Polytechnic / Politecnico
- institute of technology
- technical college
- trade school
- vocational school
The polytechnic university of Las Palmas, the higher technical school of architecture of Las Palmas.
Politecnico di Las Palmas, istituto tecnico superiore di architettura di Las Palmas.
Data source: EUbookshop_v2 We did things that were still illegal when I was at polytechnic.
Abbiamo fatto cose che erano illegali, quando ero al politecnico.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Architect and architectural research professor - Turin Polytechnic.
Professore e architetto - Politecnico di Torino.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 All universities (20) and 29 polytechnic institutes (18 of them public).
Tutte le università (20) e 29 istituti politecnici (di cui 18 sono pubblici).
Data source: EUbookshop_v2 In 1908, he enrolled at Swiss Federal Polytechnic (later known as ETH Zurich), changing course from Botany to Mathematics and Physics after two semesters.
Nel 1908 si iscrisse al Politecnico Federale Svizzero (più tardi conosciuto come ETH Zurigo), cambiando corso da Botanica a Matematica e Fisica dopo due semestri.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 The Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn N Y.
Al Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn N Y.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 The "London Enterprise Programme" run by the School of Mana gement Studies at the Polytechnic of Central London is subsidized by the London Enterprise Agency and attended jointly by people interested to set up a firm and experienced small businessmen.
Il "London Enterprise Programme", organizzato dalla School of Management Studies pressa il Polytechnic of Central London e sovvenzionata dalla London Enterprise Agency, è frequentato sia da persone interessate ad avviare un'azienda che da imprenditori di piccole aziende.
Data source: EUbookshop_v2