Translation of "Obstetrics" into Italian
Obstetrics / Ostetricia
- maternity care
- midwifery
- perinatology
He was the author of influential textbooks on both obstetrics and gynecology.
È stato autore di libri di testo influenti su ostetricia e ginecologia.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 At that time, students studied only five subjects: medicine, anatomy and surgery, obstetrics, chemistry and materia medica.
In quel periodo gli allievi studiavano solamente cinque materie: medicina, anatomia e chirurgia, ostetricia, chimica e farmacologia.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 In 1892 he opened a private clinic for obstetrics and gynecological diseases.
Nel 1892 aprì una clinica privata per ostetricia e malattie ginecologiche.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 In 1892 he opened a private clinic for obstetrics and gynecological diseases.
Nel 1892 aprì una clinica privata per ostetricia e malattie ginecologiche.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Postsurgical haemorrhages in urology (bladder and prostate surgery), gynaecology (surgery of the cervix), obstetrics (post-partum and post-abortion haemorrhage), cardiac surgery, gastroenterology, and odontostomatology (dental extractions in haemophiliacs and patients who are receiving anticoagulant therapy).
Emorragie post-chirurgiche in urologia (chirurgia della vescica e della prostata), ginecologia (chirurgia della cervice uterina), ostetricia (emorragia post-parto e post-aborto), cardiochirurgia, gastroenterologia e odontostomatologia (estrazioni dentali negli emofiliaci e nei pazienti trattati con terapia anticoagulante).
Data source: ELRC-EMEA_v1 In 1834 Hohl became a "full professor" of obstetrics at Halle.
Nel 1834 Hohl divenne un "professore ordinario" di ostetricia a Halle.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 A Specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Una specializzazione in Ostetricia e Ginecologia.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2