Translation of "Note" into Italian
Note / Nota
Note: Eurostat, Commission 2020 spring forecast.
Nota: Eurostat, previsioni di primavera 2020 della Commissione.
Data source: ELRC-EUR_LEX_v1 This is an annex to the Note for guidance on gene therapy product quality aspects in the production of vectors and genetically modif ied somatic cells.
This is an annex to the Note for guidance on gene therapy product quality aspects in the production of vectors and genetically modified somatic cells.
Data source: EMEA_v3 Note: This specification refers to a 60% aqueous solution.
Note: Questa specifica si riferisce ad una soluzione acquosa al 60%.
Data source: DGT_v2019 At least 2000 burials are known.
Sono note almeno 2000 sepolture.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 The Commission took note of this information.
La Commissione aveva preso nota di tali informazioni.
Data source: JRC-Acquis_v3.0 The first version of this Note covers Syria.
La prima versione della presente nota riguarda la Siria.
Data source: ELRC-3460-EC_EUROPA_covid_v1 Note [7], Note [8 ]Residue definition: sum of 2,4-DNOPC and 2,4-DNOP expressed as meptyldinocap.
Note [7] e [8 ]Definizione del residuo: somma di 2,4-DNOPC e 2,4-DNOP, espressa in meptildinocap.
Data source: DGT_v2019