Translation of "Needled" into Italian
Needled / Agugliato
- irritated
- poked
- prodded
- provoked
- teased
These needled conifers look like evergreens in spring and summer, but in the fall the needles turn golden yellow and drop to the ground.
Queste conifere agugliate sembrano sempreverdi in primavera ed estate, ma in autunno gli aghi diventano giallo dorato e cadono a terra.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 He wasn’t thrilled that Jackson had needled him in songs on subsequent albums.
Non era entusiasta del fatto che Jackson lo avesse punzecchiato nelle canzoni degli album successivi.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Many needled evergreen trees grow in slightly acidic soil.
Molti alberi sempreverdi agugliati crescono in un terreno leggermente acido.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The needled blankets are available in thicknesses of 12.5mm and 25mm.
I materassini agugliati sono disponibili in spessori di 12,5mm e 25mm.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Liquid Filter Bag in 100% Polyester Needled Felt 25 Micron.
Sacchetto Filtro liquido in 100% Poliestere Agugliato Feltro 25 Micron.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Embroidery Cornely - Laser - Sequins Strass - Tape - Needled Applications - Patch.
Ricamo Cornely - Laser - Paillettes Strass - Fettuccia - Agugliato Applicazioni - Patch.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 It does best grown in moist, sandy, well-drained soils in shady areas and tolerates shady conditions better than most needled evergreens.
Si coltiva meglio in terreni umidi, sabbiosi e ben drenati nelle zone ombreggiate e tollera le condizioni ombrose meglio della maggior parte dei sempreverdi agugliati.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1