Translation of "Navy" into Italian
Navy / Marina
- fleet
- maritime forces
- naval force
- sea service
At that time, the defense of my country was about one thing and one thing only: how strong was our army, how strong was our air force, how strong was our navy and how strong were our allies.
A quel tempo, la difesa del mio paese dipendeva da una cosa ed una soltanto: quanto forte fosse il nostro esercito, quanto forte fosse l'aviazione militare, quanto forte fosse la marina e quanto forti fossero i nostri alleati.
Data source: TED2013_v1.1 Size/Color: S-Blue Navy M-Blue Navy L-Blue Navy XL-Blue Navy S-White M-White L-White XL-White S-Black M-Black L-Black XL-Black.
Taglia/Colore: S-Blu Navy M-Blu Navy L-Blu Navy XL-Blu Navy S-Bianco M-Bianco L-Bianco XL-Bianco S-Nero M-Nero L-Nero XL-Nero.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Colors: navy blue - light beige.
Colori: blu navy - beige chiaro.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Colour: violet/grey; blue navy/caraibi; dark grey/lite grey; blue navy/dark grey/yellow.
Colore: viola/grigio; blue navy/caraibi; blue navy/grigio scuro/giallo; grigio scuro/grigio chiaro.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Watson joined the Royal Navy in 1885.
Watson si unì alla Royal Navy nel 1885.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 And John went about and solved the sonar problem for the Navy.
John si diede da fare e risolse il problema del sonar per la Marina.
Data source: TED2020_v1 What happened was, during the Cold War, the U. S. Navy had a system that was secret at the time, that they used to track Russian submarines.
Quello che accadde, durante la Guerra Fredda, fu che la Marina USA aveva un sistema, a quel tempo tenuto segreto, che usava per localizzare i sottomarini russi.
Data source: TED2013_v1.1