Translation of "Moor" into Italian
Moor / Ormeggiare
The book's authors also have a blog, entitled Moor Henna.
L'autrice del libro ha anche un blog, intitolato Moor Henna.
Data source: GlobalVoices_v2018q4 United Kingdom: Wiggins Teape, Basingstoke (plant at Ely, Cardiff, South Glamorgan); lightning Fasteners Ltd, Birmingham (plants at Cleator Moor, Cumbria, and Peterlee, Co. Durham).
Regno Unito: Wiggins Teape Basingstoke (fabbrica di Ely presso Cardiff, South Glamorgan); lightning Fasteners Ltd, Birmingham (fabbriche di Cleator Moor, Cumbria e Peterlee, Durham).
Data source: EUbookshop_v2 At the Battle of Dupplin Moor, Balliol's army, commanded by Henry Beaumont, defeated the larger Scottish force.
Alla Battaglia di Dupplin Moor, l'esercito di Balliol, comandato da Henry Beaumont, sconfisse il più numeroso esercito scozzese.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 The extension from Pinner to Rickmansworth opened in 1887 by the Metropolitan Railway however Moor Park didn't open then.
L'estensione da Pinner a Rickmansworth venne inaugurata nel 1887 dalla Metropolitan Railway anche se Moor Park non venne aperta in quella data.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 The civil parish also contains the small settlements of Barnhill, Bolesworth, Brown Knowl, Fuller's Moor and Meadow Bank.
Alla parrocchia civile appartengono anche i piccoli insediamenti di Barnhill, Bolesworth, Brown Knowl, Fuller's Moor and Meadow Bank.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 It was a tradition at Kersal Moor Fair.
Era una tradizione della fiera di Kersal Moor.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 This is not the only way to Kersal Moor.
Non è l'unica strada per Kersal Moor.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018