Translation of "Milt" into Italian
Milt / Latte
On February 18, 2009, Milt Stegall did retire from the CFL which formally ended the Milt Stegall era.
In data 18 febbraio 2009, Milt Stegall si è ritirato dal CFL che si è conclusa formalmente l'era Milt Stegall.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Milt Kogan known as Dr. Johnston.
Milt Kogan nel ruolo di dottor Johnston.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Ink Ravings (1922-1923): directed by Milt Gross.
Ink Ravings (1922-1923): diretto da Milt Gross.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Mobile screens Mobile screens MILT & MILT DESIGN meet the requirements for design and sound insulation.
Le pareti divisorie amovibili MILT & MILT DESIGN soddisfano le richieste del design e dell‘afonicità.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Among his earliest influences were Punch cartoonist-illustrator Phil May, and American comic strip cartoonists Tad Dorgan, Cliff Sterrett, Rube Goldberg, Rudolph Dirks, Fred Opper, Billy DeBeck, George McManus and Milt Gross.
Tra le sue prime influenze c'erano Phil May, illustratore della rivista Punch e i fumettisti statunitensi Tad Dorgan, Cliff Sterrett, Rube Goldberg, Rudolph Dirks, Fred Opper, Billy DeBeck, George McManus e Milt Gross.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 MILT & MILT DESIGN glass walls are a solution of office space division.
Le pareti vetrate MILT & MILT DESIGN sono una soluzione per la disposizione degli spazi degli uffici.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 He was designed, and frequently animated, by Milt Kahl and Ward Kimball, two of Disney's Nine Old Men of animators.
Venne disegnato, e frequentemente animato, da Milt Kahl e Ward Kimball, due dei Nine Old Men Disney.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1