Translation of "Majestic" into Italian
But in my backyard, surrounded by cocoa and poui trees and a majestic immortelle, I felt strangely calm in the midst of the turmoil, and more present than I have been in ages.
Tuttavia nel mio cortile, circondata da alberi di cocco e gli alberi tabebuia e un maestoso elicriso, il fiore immortale, mi sentivo stranamente calma nel mezzo della tormenta, e più presente di quanto lo ero stata da secoli.
Data source: GlobalVoices_v2018q4 Majestic Sweatshirt: Graphic Crew LA Dodgers GR.
Majestic Felpa Majestic: Graphic Crew LA Dodgers GR.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Majestic SEO, Majestic-12, Majestic, Flow Metrics, Citation Flow and Trust Flow are trade marks of Majestic-12 Ltd.
Majestic, Majestic-12, Majestic SEO, Flow Metrics, Citation Flow e Trust Flow sono marchi di fabbrica di Majestic-12 Ltd.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 They opened investigations called Grudge, Twinkle, Project "Blue Book" Majestic 12.
Aprirono inchieste chiamate Grudge, Twinkle, Project "Blue Book", Majestic 12.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Focusing their investigation on the Majestic cost the police valuable time.[2] Pat's handbag and clothes were missing and despite months of investigation, neither were ever found.[3].
Aver incentrato le indagini sul Majestic fece perdere alla polizia considerevole tempo.[2] La borsa di Patricia e i vestiti, nonostante mesi di indagini, non furono mai ritrovati.[3].
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 There are other ways that you can serve the fine city of Majestic.
Ci sono altri modi per servire la bella citta' di Majestic.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Majestic MLB Jersey: Detroit Tigers WH.
Majestic Maglia MLB Majestic: Detroit Tigers WH.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9