Translation of "Lace" into Italian
Lace / Pizzo
Raschel lace and long-pile fabric of synthetic fibres.
Pizzi Raschel e stoffe dette a peli lunghi di fibre sintetiche.
Data source: DGT_v2019 He was granted a monopoly on manufacturing lace ruffs in France.
Gli fu concesso il monopolio sulla produzione di gorgiere in pizzo in Francia.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 There is truth in the world, Lace.
Esiste la verita' a questo mondo, Lace.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Rachel lace and long-pile fabric (imitation fur), knitted or crocheted, not elastic or rubberized, of synthetic textile fibres.
Pizzi Rachel e stoffe a peli lunghi (tipo pelliccia), a maglia non elastica né gommata, in pezza, di fibre tessili sintetiche.
Data source: EUbookshop_v2 In addition, unlike the LACE concept, SABRE's precooler does not liquefy the air, letting it run more efficiently.
A differenza dei prototipi LACE, il preraffreddamento del SABRE non liquefa l'aria permettendo un flusso più efficiente.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Lace curtains for upstairs and lace curtains for downstairs.
Tende di pizzo per sopra e tende di pizzo per sotto.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 The expression of his face and his whole figure, in uniform with crosses and white trousers trimmed with gold lace, as he went hurriedly along, reminded Levin of a hunted animal conscious that things are going badly with him.
La espressione del viso e di tutta la sua figura in divisa, con le croci e i pantaloni bianchi gallonati, mentre camminava in fretta, ricordò a Levin una bestia inseguita che vede la propria situazione farsi cattiva.
Data source: Books_v1