Translation of "Infirmary" into Italian
They are also very beautiful: the cloister, the refectory, the infirmary and the other buildings in the village.
Sono anche molto belli: il chiostro, il refettorio, l'infermeria e gli altri edifici del villaggio.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Places to stay near Manchester Royal Infirmary.
Luoghi in cui soggiornare vicino a Manchester Royal Infirmary.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 His successor, Raymond du Puy de Provence, significantly enlarged the infirmary.
Il suo successore, Raymond du Puy de Provence, ampliò significativamente l'infermeria.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Medical assistance: the nearest infirmary and pharmacy are in Gradac, 10 km south of Zaostrog.
Assistenza medica: l’ospedale e la farmacia più vicini sono a Gradac, circa 10km a Sud di Zaostrog.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 And did you take the shortcut down Inverleith Row to get here to the infirmary?
E ha preso la scorciatoia in Inverleith Row per arrivare in infermeria?
Data source: QED_v2.0a Molester's School Infirmary (1984), Molester's Tour Bus (1985) and Molester's Delivery Service (1986) are some of these titles.
Molester's School Infirmary (1984), Molester's Tour Bus (1985) e Molester's Delivery Service (1986) sono solo alcuni dei suoi titoli.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Story of a Great Hospital: The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 1729-1929.
Storia di un grande Ospedale: Il Royal Infirmary di Edimburgo 1729-1929.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9