Translation of "Hypnotism" into Italian
Hypnotism / Ipnotismo
- suggestion
- trance
- hypnosis
- mind control
Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude.
L'ipnotismo è una differenza nei livelli di elevazione.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 And maybe top off the evening with a little hypnotism?
E forse coronare Ia serata con un po' d'ipnotismo?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 What, you practice witchcraft but you don't believe in hypnotism?
Pratichi la magia ma non credi nell'ipnosi?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotism, and the truth about the funky chicken!
2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Ipnosi, Hypnotherapy, hypnotism e verità circa il pollo funky!
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Among his written works was Der Hypnotismus und dessen Anwendung in der praktischen Medicin, later translated into English and published as Hypnotism and its application to practical medicine' (1897).
Tra le sue opere scritte vi era Der Hypnotismus und dessen Anwendung in der praktischen Medicin, poi tradotto in inglese e pubblicato come Hypnotism and its application to practical medicine (1897).
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 This blog is where I will keep you up-to-date with interesting articles or facts about the field of hypnotism.
Con questo blog vi terrò al corrente con interessanti articoli o fatti sul campo dell'ipnotismo.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The plan involves conditioned reflexes, hypnotism and certain kinds of music.
Il piano prevede riflessi condizionati, ipnotismo e certi tipi di musica.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9