Translation of "Hospital" into Italian
Hospital / Ospedale
Even though the team suspected that there was already human to human transmission of the virus, they had not collected any evidence from their visit which they attribute to the unreliable testimonies given by local health authorities and hospital administrators.
Anche se il team sospettava che il virus fosse già attivo con trasmissione umana, non aveva raccolto nessuna prova da quella visita, fatto attribuito alle testimonianze inaffidabili fornite dalle autorità sanitarie locali e dagli amministratori degli ospedali.
Data source: ELRC-5219-COVID_19_Parallel_v1 The injured and dying were transported to Sparrow Hospital and St. Lawrence Hospital in Lansing.
I feriti furono trasportati allo Sparrow Hospital e al St. Lawrence Hospital di Lansing.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 New York Hospital, scene of the riot.
New York Hospital, luogo della rivolta.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Therefore, ELECTRO HOSPITAL formed highly oxidising sulphate and hydroxyl radicals by applying current to an anode at atmospheric temperature and pressure.
Di conseguenza, il progetto ELECTRO HOSPITAL ha prodotto un solfato altamente ossidante e radicali ossidrile applicando corrente a un anodo con temperatura e pressione atmosferica.
Data source: ELRC-CORDIS_Results_v1 OMRIX Biopharmaceuticals Ltd Plasma Fractionation Institute Sheba Hospital, Tel Hashomer Ramat Gan 52621, Israel Att.
OMRIX Biopharmaceuticals Ltd Plasma Fractionation Institute Sheba Hospital, Tel Hashomer Ramat Gan 52621, Israele Att.
Data source: EMEA_v3 Key messages for hospital infection prevention and control professionals and hospital epidemiologists.
Messaggi chiave per professionisti ospedalieri della prevenzione e del controllo delle infezioni e per epidemiologi ospedalieri.
Data source: ELRC-antibiotic_v1 He served as a house physician at the Brompton Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, and as a clinical assistant at the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital.
Ha servito come medico al Brompton Hospital for Diseases of the Chest e come assistente presso il Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1