Translation of "Domineering" into Italian
Domineering / Dominante
- authoritative
- oppressive
- overbearing
- tyrannical
- controlling
He he was a hard, domineering man.
Era un uomo duro, dispotico.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 People may find them arrogant and too domineering.
Le persone li considerano troppo dominanti e arroganti.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The State as external domineering power and illusory general interest.
Lo Stato come potere dominante esterno e interesse generale illusorio.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 You're the lawyer with the domineering girlfriend and you're the casket-salesman who shaves his stomach.
Tu sei l'avvocato con la ragazza prepotente, e tu sei quello che vende le bare e si rade la pancia.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 In the subsequent dispute over the propriety of Zhang's actions, several opposing officials were subjected to punishment by caning, which only increased the impression of Zhang's domineering nature.
Nella successiva disputa sulla proprietà delle azioni di Zhang, diversi ufficiali opposti furono puniti a bastonate, il che aumentò solo l'impressione della natura dominante di Zhang.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Never before has his music possessed this much majesty, this much command, this much power: The pathos here has moved from sympathetic to completely domineering.
Mai prima d'ora la sua musica possedeva tanta maestà, così tanta maestria, così tanto potere: Il pathos qui è passato dal simpatico al dominante.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Perhaps you are becoming too domineering or overly confident.
Forse stai diventando troppo prepotente o troppo fiducioso.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1