Translation of "Deport" into Italian
Deport / Deportare
Denmark wants to deport Afghan children.
La Danimarca vuole espellere dei bambini afgani.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 What if they find out who you are and deport you?
E se scoprono chi sei e ti deportano?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 They deport us to make us disappear.
Ci rimpatriano per farci sparire.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The music of Chanter me fet was used in two different readings of Pour la pucele en chantant me deport by Gautier de Coincy and the lyrics were a model for the anonymous Destroiz d'amours et pensis sans deport.
La musica di Chanter me fet venne usata in due diverse versioni di Pour la pucele en chantant me deport di Gautier de Coincy e i testi funsero da modello per l'anonima Destroiz d'amours et pensis sans deport.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 I agree with the proposal providing for the opportunity to immediately deport a person who may be a danger to the Member State's national security or who has been forcibly expelled from a country for reasons of public security under national law.
Concordo con la proposta di allontanare immediatamente chiunque rappresenti un pericolo per la sicurezza nazionale dello Stato membro o per chi sia stato espulso in maniera coercitiva da un paese per ragioni di sicurezza pubblica ai sensi delle leggi nazionali.
Data source: Europarl_v8 Tomorrow we'll deport you back to China.
Domani ti rimanderemo in Cina.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 No, and we should deport all illegal.
No, e dovremmo deportare tutti i.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9