Department (Dipartimento)
Translation into Italian
Instead they report to the head of the corresponding national department.
Essi riferiscono invece al responsabile del relativo dipartimento nazionale.
Data source: ELITR-ECA_v1 1989: United States Department of Defense, Legion of Merit.
1989: Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti, Legion of Merit.
Data source: ELRC-wikipedia_health_v1 Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism.
Department of Arts, Sports e Tourism.
Data source: DGT_v2019 There he made an art department for me where I worked for several months.
Lì lui creò per me un reparto artistico dove lavorai per parecchi mesi.
Data source: TED2013_v1.1 United States of America: "Joint History Office Defense Technical Information Center, US Department of Defense".
United States of America: "Joint History Office - Defense Technical Information Center, US Department of Defense".
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 A Department of War, a Department of Everything Else.
Un Dipartimento della Guerra, un Dipartimento di Tutto il Resto.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 If you accidentally take too many Emtriva hard capsules, contact your doctor or nearest emergency department for advice.
Se accidentalmente prende troppe compresse di Emtriva capsule rigide, contatti il medico o il più vicino centro di emergenza.
Data source: EMEA_v3